Can This Box Convert Dreams Into Reality? | Vishen Lakhiani

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In this video, Vishen will be sharing just how he forged his growth mindset and business with a very alternative square vision board…

Achieving your most ambitious goals is a possibility that lies in your hands, more specifically your head! 🧠

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I did this once. I put a picture of a diamond in a box. My exbf came over took me for a ride and bought me that exact diamond. This works.


Wealth is a mindset. Your physical reality will mirror back to your Self-identity. If you self identify as absolute abundance, your experience will feed you physical evidence that your self identity is correct. Now, you're vibrationally aligned with the frequency of absolute abundance and that alignment allows you to experience the parallel reality where absolute abundance is your experience. Trust me, you don't need to "work your face off". You simply need to change your self identity and the frequency you emit. There will be action required, but it will be so minimal that it won't fell like hard work, it's just the "flow state" in alignment with your self identity. Namaste Fam!!💯💯💯


I would have never thought to do that in a million years. Awesome idea. Definitely going to try it.


OMG😯😯😯😯, I have been doing the same thing, unbelievable!! Love listening to you. Still going through depression and anxiety, but hoping that w counseling and medication...I will get better.


That's a very good idea! Thank you! 😁


You are my are doing great job...I'm from india


Yes .... that is reason Mindvalley entirely different from Other companies.... vishen you not focusing money... you focusing End Goals for Human transformation. Modern companies are focusing on money Eating and Making Human mind machines. Congratulations Mindvalley and Vishen


Congratulations in overcoming and working hard on one of your many goals.


Today I was thinking about this box and Vishen's video and it again came up on my YouTube suggestions! Thank you so much.


That's a fresh jacket, Vishen. Looking dapper, my friend.


Great vishen, it worked as law of attraction 🌹🌹🤗👏


Te amo eres lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida


This video is actually scary, that mindvalley was near death!


Is all masterclass classes for each teachers for specific classes are for free!?


There is diffently something to this method, for I have seen it work, to a degree anyway. HOWEVER, you also need to hustle! You and your team would have NEVER made those goals if you didn't also have a strong work eithic. It is a combination of the two methods that get results. Am I right, or am I right??😎


You are WONDERFUL Vishen. Really. What's your Bodhisattva name? :)


I just got this ad before a video about linear algebra and am a bit confused a) why I got it and b) what the hell is going on with your marketing. I don't get it...

So what he's saying is that I should use and pay for the services of Mindvalley, where I can get some kind of advice for my life (or especially a guide to put some notes in a box) – in the same way that he got it to safe Mindvalley from bankruptcy some years ago. But this clip doesn't advertise for some kind of business help with whom I can save my own business from bancruptcy – but instead is an ad for Mindvalley, the very company that needed some kind of spiritual help/life advice for its CEO, to be saved from going broke in the first place, although its very business is giving spiritual help, life advice and shit like that. Does that mean that Mindvalley was crappy in giving people advice for five years untill it's CEO got some advice to get his advice-giving-company going? That doesn't really give me faith in the advice I'm going to get from Mindvalley. That's a bit like a bank advertising for it's credit/loan services by telling people that the bank itself needed a huge loan not to go bankrupt some years ago. Wouldn't that tell you not to trust that bank?


about my dream for you I think so it's very reality once pleasure for me masterclass given us posibility to work good charllenge author in the world this programs


Can somebody link this jacket pleaseb?


Dear Mr.Lakhiani, Normally I would hv liked to hear what you are saying...but I am so put off by your ads in the other videos I watch...they appear three times minimum in any other video of ant only 12 minutes...3 times!!? And ur ads abruptly stop wht I am watching and intrude my space as if its nobody's business.. you know it's really really irritating ...just wanted to bring to your notice. And of course I skip them the second I you see I am not even watching them...please this is so not helping your business its spoiling it in fact.
