2017-18 European Panini Sticker Box Break. Chasing Rookie Stickers!
It was because Holding kept holding on and wouldn't let him go. It was happening throughout the game.
What do you expect when Holding had him 3/4 times before that😳😆 Plus Sonny was only trying to get the prick off of him!!!
Typical Arsenal can’t take a defeat 😂😂
Sonny win holding lose holding should go to WWE🤣🤣
great job son! u did 1 goal 1 ass 1pk 1 red!
Show the complete clip. Holding has nobody to blame but himself. He was very worried about Son and it had obviously played on his mind pre match and it all got too much gor him hence the repeated fouls and daft elbow to Sons head.
Referee was correct.
이건 누워있는 상대를 팔로 민거고.. 달리는 중에 팔꿈치로 얼굴을 찍는게 할짓이냐?
I'm sorry, but when you're in that position your arms have nowhere else to really go like it did for Son. Position yourself like you're about to do a push up and imagine your legs are held, then how else you gonna get up? Also like how it's trimmed the part right after where Holding does a judo toss on Son.
Know show what Holding did to stress Son to this level
그러니까 왜 잡고 밀고 치고 하냐고 ㅋㅋㅋ수비수가 븅신짓한게 맞지.아예 죽일듯이 괴롭히더만 3대0 꼴좋~다 ㅋㅋ ㅋ
This is a clip of Holding grappling Son and Son using the part of his body nearest to Holding to push against him… it’s not an Elbow..
No way Arsenal fans actually said he should have been sent off for that, Jesus Christ 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Straight red this is the new line in football you are no longer allowed to touch each other .
Muggy Spurs prat’s - it’s ok for son to elbow because he was fouled first lol. Holding was dealt with for his actions why did var not look at this because they can choose when it suits them and determine the outcome of games…
이건 오히려 팔꿈치보다는 어깨에 가까운 부위인데? 뒤엉켜있는 상황에서 이정도 투닥거림은 있을수 있지 ㅎㅎ 홀딩은 아얘 레스링하지 않았나?
Both teams are very average but what I takeaway from this game is that officials are corrupt and will do everything to determine the outcome of a game! If we go through the whole season and review the amount of decisions Tottenham am have been getting especially in the last two games it’s pathetic. The softest penalty I will see against Cedric and a pathetic handball award against Barnes at the business. Fair play to them getting the decision but it’s clearly corrupt. I will lay my house down that Arsenal will either get denied a clear penalty tomorrow, get a player sent off for nothing, or have one awarded that is soft. The corruption in our game needs to be investigated that’s for sure. Someone is clearly being paid off at the top.
Jep, or as Paul Tierney (and M. Dean) sees it: not a red.
Hahahaha losers 5th
Newcastle vs Arsenal 2:0
Son elbowing Holding in the face is a straight red card. But it wasn’t given by the ref or VAR when the VAR can blatantly see that? Then Holding gets him back and gets sent off??? Like I said yesterday the ref decided that match. 😤
Holding should have taken the same acting classes that Son took. Learn to flop whenever you get touched.