A Moment That Moved You? {Day 18} Strangers Answer

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the dog story 😭💔 my childhood pet death still moves me


I went to the grocery store with my mom and a Hispanic lady came up to us that couldn't speak English. She had an index card asking us to help her buy food for her family. My mom asked her what she wanted and took her around the store and got her enough food to last a week for her family. It was a selfless thing to do because my family doesn't always have that much money but she was still willing to go over budget for this woman.


2:38 The hesitation right before the second I love you...you could tell his grandma meant a lot to him.


Even in the last moments the dog knew that she was truly loved.


The dog story and the granny story almost made me cry. In 2008, my granny died in my arms; she slipped and fell in the bathroom. she was the sweetest, She literally saved me and kept me alive until then. I still haven't gotten over that morning


"Am I spending my hours well" wow, that was a powerful line!


“Moved me emotionally or just pushed me” lmaooo

Everyone: deep emotional answers

This kid: I saw a old lady fall and a kid ran over

I’m dying...😂


Every detail about this video: the diversity in the people, the cameras ability to capture everyone’s natural beauty, the music in the background, and every way that the clips are filmed- is so incredibly and uniquely beyond beautiful thank you


I wish I could be asked a question by you! I absolutely adore what your doing! It amazes me that I was just
Writing today about people getting closer
to being kinder and gentler in this world. Your amazing! Your project has inspired me to be more “ out there” and more open with people. You’ve proved there are so many wonderful people in this world who if you just talk to them they will own up to people.


the dog story killed me omg. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if my pup died in my arms. 😞


* sobbing within the first 2 minutes of the video*

* keeps crying forever*


Got me in tears! Your videos are so moving and inspire me to do the same in London. Thank you for building the courage to go talk to random members of the public to hear their thoughts. Amazing content


I had a friend pass away by suicide. And her family was very religious. They were struggling because taking your own life is a sin. All through the ceremony the pastor was emphasizing and trying to reassure her parents that she IS in heaven. She simple lost her battle with mental health. It was really moving to see a pastor being so progressive.


My girlfriend told me that a little while ago she was prepared to kill herself. She had written letters and she had pills to overdose but she decided against it. She’s getting better and when she told me that I just cried and listened to her heartbeat as she promised me she’s not going anywhere. That moved me


Something which moved me recently, unfortunately very painful, was seeing my Dad cry for the first time. It's something I'd never seen in my life before and, from sadness, something I never want to see in him again. My Grandmother, his Mother, passed away and we had all been to her funeral and sobbed all day. What really moved and shocked me was when he truly broke down in the early hours of the morning, after everyone had left and the funeral was over. I could see how much it was torture for him to have to accept it; he was balling his fists together and he hit himself multiple times which was really my breaking point.

On the contrary, something more positive was when one of my Aunties was giving a eulogy that same day. It was the first time I'd heard how my Grandparents met and I thought it was the most beautiful love story I'd ever heard. My Auntie told us how the first day they met was the day my Grandfather, who was in the RAF, was due to go off to fight in WW2. Having only spoken to my 16 year old Grandmother for a few hours, my 18 year old Grandfather left the house to be deployed after telling her he'd certainly return to marry her. When the war ended 4 years later, on the day he returned home, he went straight to my Grandmother's house and asked my Great-Grandfather if he may court his youngest of 9 children and only daughter. They were the only people either of them every loved and were married for over 40 years :) It's something I now aspire to.


10:07 you can tell the poor guy does have all sorts of emotions, he just cant admit to himself, hes afraid. Its ok to experience, I hope he learns that


“Nothing moves me emotionally” ok cool guy


Today I found out that I’m not going on a trip in the mountains (24 out of 35 people got to go) and I was really angry and sad that I’m not going, but watching some of these videos made me realise that some things aren’t such a big deal of what you make them cause others are having a harder time than you are :(


My mom had been sick since I was a freshman in high school, one Thursday morning senior year the high school was at mass (catholic school) and a light that shined on the altar was flickering, but more in a way like someone was messing with the light switch. I had felt a heavy feeling the whole morning and so something came over me to think/ask God "God if this is some kind of sign, if something is going to happen switch the light twice." and it happened. A moment later a teacher came and pulled me out because my mother had passed. I've been in a place where I'd call myself agnostic for a couple years now but that moment has stuck with me and made it difficult for me not to believe in something divine and more than this world.


Mine was when I saw a young girl get punched by her dad and her older brother picked her up and they ran away this moved me so much just to see the love siblings have for each other it makes me wish I had some siblings or just a sibling
