The Transactional Analysis Theory | Parent, Adult, Child Model Explained

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The Transactional Analysis Theory | Parent, Adult, Child Model Explained

Transactional Analysis, developed by Eric Berne, offers profound insights into human interactions. At its core is the PAC model, which divides our personality into three parts: Parent, Adult, and Child.

Parent: This aspect represents the learned behaviours, attitudes, and values we absorb from authority figures, such as parents, teachers, or societal norms. It includes both nurturing behaviours (like caring and supporting) and critical behaviours (like judging and controlling).

Child: Here resides our emotional self, formed by experiences in childhood. It includes our playful, creative, and intuitive side as well as our vulnerable, reactive, and impulsive side.

Adult: This is our rational, objective self, capable of processing information, making decisions based on logic and evidence, and handling situations with clarity and maturity.

Understanding how these three aspects interact within ourselves and with others is key to improving communication, resolving conflicts, and fostering healthier relationships.

#TransactionalAnalysis #PACModel #HumanBehavior
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