React JS Installation in MacOS M1/M2 2023 | Create First React App

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Hey Everyone! 😇
In This Tutorial I will be showing you guyz, How to Install React JS in M1/M2 MacOS 2023. And also how we can Create Our First App in React.
Command to Install ReactJS -
sudo npm install -g create-react-app
Verify Node/NPM -
node -v
npm -v
Command to Create ReactJS First Project -
npx create-react-app project name
Run React Project -
npm start
#reactjs #nodejs #npm
In This Tutorial I will be showing you guyz, How to Install React JS in M1/M2 MacOS 2023. And also how we can Create Our First App in React.
Command to Install ReactJS -
sudo npm install -g create-react-app
Verify Node/NPM -
node -v
npm -v
Command to Create ReactJS First Project -
npx create-react-app project name
Run React Project -
npm start
#reactjs #nodejs #npm
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