The Beauty of Balance

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Why are we drawn to symmetry? Because it provides order in a seemingly chaotic world? Because our brains are the product of the very same laws that yield the flower, the snowflake and the solar system? Because evolution selects for structures with symmetry? In this Salon, we will ask an interdisciplinary gathering of artists and scientists to explore the pervasiveness of symmetry throughout our study and appreciation of the natural world.

The Big Ideas Series is supported in part by the John Templeton Foundation.

The World Science Festival gathers great minds in science and the arts to produce live and digital content that allows a broad general audience to engage with scientific discoveries. Our mission is to cultivate a general public informed by science, inspired by its wonder, convinced of its value, and prepared to engage with its implications for the future.

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Original Program Date: June 5, 2016
MODERATOR: Robbert Dijkgraaf
PARTICIPANTS: Paola Antonelli, Annabelle Selldorf

Robbert Dijkgraafs introduction 00:12

Participant Introductions 1:24

Symmetry is all around us from a mathematical perspective. 2:33

What is the role of symmetry in design? 5:47

Symmetry is a fact. 11:23

Will we see less and less symmetry in nature? 17:19

It is easy to imagine an infinite line 31:40

The dreaded "H" word... Harmony. 44:22

The tension of asymmetry 50:16

What is symmetry's role in the future? 58:03

What is 5D? 1:11:05

The Powers of Ten and the notion of scale. 1:20:00
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The World Science Festival strives to cultivate a general public that's informed and awed by science. Thanks to your contributions, we can continue to share the wonder of scientific discoveries with the world.


Ahhh goody goody. Love when i see WSF video that has 1+ hours.


Designing anything without thought for harmony would be equal to designing something without thinking about how it will be used. Harmony and functionality have a 1 to 1 correlation


Can someone tell me how I can get a recording of the music at the end of this lecture. In the credits, it says music by Musicbox. I sent a email to World Science Festival. I didn't get a response. I forwarded the email to a MusicBox services. They say they have nothing to do with it.


Anyone who is ignorant of or apathetic to the beauty of scientific principles only talks nonsense


Well, this talk is boring and pointless. Basically 2 women talk about art projects. Not really scientific or interesting. The host seems to be by far the most knowledgeable on the subject. Which dooms this discussion.


This doesn't seem like it belongs with WSF. Maybe an art podcast


I have what would almost be called an OCD concerning symmetry. But, I'm also addicted to milk, so, , what do I know?


thank you for the beautiful videos, thank you, peace and love, Doug.


Correction for the comment at 12:11,
greek temples have even number of columns at the front and back;
the sides are odd.


Beauty of golden ratio can be express by special relativity M = m/(1-(v/c)^2)^0.5, let m/M = (v/c)^2 = x get x^2 + x - 1 = 0 symmetry with x ^2 - x -1 = 0 of golden ratio, both have same solution 0.618 and 1.618, from symmetry of energy to matter E = MC^2 of SR, to E*L = MC^2*L = C*H symmetry of general relativity of balance of potential energy with momentum create black hole at Planck's length l = g*m/c^2 to symmetry of string theory in quantum mechanic i*m = ch/c^2 = pm*pl/(4*pi/3) = A*f*e for proton and Atom.(m, l, pm, pl, c, h, g, A, f, e for 2.17*10^-8, 1.6^10^-35, 1.67*10^-27, 8.8*10^-16, 299792458, 10^-34, 6.67*10^-11, 5.3*10^-11, 1/137, 9.1*10^-31, H = 2*pi*h)


Water is always in tension..pretty powerful and weak at the same time..


The moderator sat in the wrong seat. He was supposed to be on the left. You can tell this because that seat is lower than the other 2 seats to the right which should have mad them about the same height sitting. Instead the shortest woman on the left looks even more short because of the lowered seat height. Maybe that’s why she looked so angry when she came


I loved that she introduced Pablo Picasso because he drew many asymmetric pieces that are just as beautiful as symmetric pieces. I also like that they take on symmetric as a balance between forces in the Universe. I appreciate that they use art to encapture the beauty and essence of symmetry within the universe. I believe that sound is symmetric as it resonates throughout the universe and creates a sort of harmony in nature. *A lack of harmony can be strengthen by peacefulness (such as a sound thought)* I think I would feel completely harmonious after experiencing something so tranquilizing that my mind is enraptured by the complete thought of it, such as, equations that make a sound approach to theories within the universe. This is my favorite video from WSU 2016. <3


He say e=mc2 connect two pat that did not even need to be together but he is wrong he is making a false assumption. What we call matter is pure energy wave vibration of field. Particle are not fundamental vibration in fields are what constitute particle.
