Percakapan di Toko Buku/shopping (conversation at the bookstore)

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pelajaran bahasa Inggris tentang percakapan di toko buku/shopping book shopping at the bookstore.

Halimah: Hi, Rosmia. are you busy?

Rosmia :No... I'm no, what'sup?

Halimah: I Will go to the bookstore to find
my favorite Novel. are you with me?

Rosmia: let's do that

Halimah: here we are. I Will go around to find my favorite, would you like too?

Rosmia: yups I Will search for something uselful.

Halimah: Alright, I am in the novel collection zone ,, see you

Rosmia: (here we are) hey.. Halimah have you fond it ?

Halimah: yes... this novel makes me sad. its so romantic story'.

Rosmia: uhh... I'm sad to hear that

Halimah: woww how about that book over three? wait here .. i dindt arrive ... exscusme, can you have me?

Nanda: yes, how can I have?
Halimah: can you take the book?
Nanda: its is
Halimah: yes,, thank you
Nanda: you are welcome

Hilda: good afternoon, it this everything for you today
Rosmia: good afternoon, and yes.. it ia
Rahmi: did you find everything you where looking for
Halimah: yes thank you, can i pay by card?
Rahmi: of course
Halimah : yes it this my card
Hilda : so the total ia 60 rupiah
Rahmi: ok, thank you , please come again.

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