1961 McCulloch F-1 Go Kart Twin Mac90 Engines. Walk around video with audio description. #1

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You must start and run it. That's what everyone wants 😮


Coolest looking cart I never heard run


My grandpa was a McCulloch dealer and my dad had one with 2 -105's on alcohol, direct drive, and 0-80 in about 20 feet.
Thanks for sharing.


My step brother was the fastest man alive in those go-karts back in the 60s he got in a wreck passed away at age 23 from getting pneumonia in the hospital he was national Enduro champion several years had trophies all over his house his name was Jim Yates


Brings back a lot of great memories!!!! Going out on the highway and passing cars!! And then moving up to brand new muscle cars!!!! DAMN I miss those days!!!! Especially with the garbage going on now!! Thanks for brightening my day!!!!


At almost 80 years old I remember McCulloch carts like it was Yesterday😂😂😂😂😂 good stuff thanks for posting


As a kid in1972 there was a guy who would drive one those go karts with a single McCulloch engine through our neighborhood. He'd spin the wheels when he got on it coming out of a turn. In those day I rode a Sears minibike and some of my friends rode various minibikes and motorcycles around the neighborhood and in the nearby woods. back then there were dirt roads just outside of our development that went on for miles. I ran out of gas one day and had to push it all the way back home. It's all build up and paved now. nothing like it was.


Us guys in my neighborhood built mini bikes. One of my friends had a go-kart with ONE of these motors. It ran on alcohol. Beat another friend with an SS Impala 283 in a drag race. Later put the McCulloch on a mini bike. Yes, he's still alive.


In the mid 60's, my dad had a kart like this (it was even yellow) . He ran one engine, but it was stolen, and insurance paid for a new one. The stolen one was recovered, and he ran the two until the insurance company made him either buy it or sell the new engine. He couldn't afford it, so he had to sell one.


My brother put a mac 90 on his little bike. Thing got a ticket doing over 80 on the highway. Great engine's.


When I was a kid, my uncle worked for McCulloch. He had one of these. I remember him racing this thing..


I grew up next to a family who had many motorcycles and go carts. 1 of the carts was similar to this but had duel Mac 101's it ripped.


My engineer prof. Had such in1962.
They would set up tracks on the school parking lot and race.
Those were the days.


My Dad and Uncles raced these things in the early 60s. They beat the factory team several times. Dad would stroke the crank by cutting and welding it back together. The piston would come out the top of the cylinder so they had to put an 1/8” spacer between the head and cylinder. @ 15, 000 rpm they were awesome and SO LOUD. They drifted most the way around the short tracks around here and had blinding acceleration. Still have one and I think there are a couple more @ my uncles old place.


Saw these race in1976 at B.I.R. in Alabama was the wildest kart race I have ever witnessed they where running 120mph and sounded like a heard of bees but the boy that won that night had a on a helmet painted like the Rams helmet it was the only one I remember being able to keep track of and he leaped the field and won the race I will never forget that night.😮


That’s a beauty. Had a go cart and we longed for the McCulloch engine.


I rode a friend of mine McC cart when I was a kid... scariest thing I have ever been on!!! FUN


Buddy of mine who lived down the street had one of these twin Mac 90's when we were in HS during the late 70's, and that thing would fly! Theye were a bit persnickety as far as keeping the carbs in sync with the right A/F ratios but once you got them dialed not many could keep


OMG!! I remember when I got to drive one of these cart monsters!! As awsome as it could be!😊


A Conoco station owner in south Austin had several racing carts and we watched him do test runs as kids in the Safeway Grocery parking lot at S 1st and Ben White on Sunday afternoon prior to everything open on Sunday.
