.NET Core 7 Entity Framework Project: Model Binding Insights and Understanding

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Learn NET Core 7 : Model Binding in ASP.NET Core within the context of our .NET Core 7 Entity Framework project.

Explore the two primary approaches for model binding: implicit, relying on ASP.NET Core's default order, and explicit, where you specify the data source using attributes. Discover the benefits and considerations of each approach, and gain a clear understanding of how to effectively manage data retrieval within your web application.

In upcoming lessons, we will delve deeper into model binding, focusing specifically on Route Data and Query String parameters, providing you with comprehensive insights into this essential aspect of ASP.NET Core development.

ASP.NET Core 7 Full Course and Entity Framework Project.
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Wow. this is amazing series for newcomers, or devs from another tech stack. But I am curious, why did you started a series on .NET 7? Because .NET 8 is just in the corner and peoples will be searching courses for .NET 8 then (It will be more hyped as it's LTS as well)
