The Art of Logic | Eugenia Cheng | Talks at Google

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Dr. Eugenia Cheng is Scientist In Residence at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She won tenure in Pure Mathematics at the University of Sheffield, UK, where she is now Honorary Fellow. Alongside her research in Category Theory and undergraduate teaching her aim is to rid the world of “math phobia”. Eugenia is also math columnist for the Wall Street Journal and a concert pianist.

Emotions are powerful. In newspaper headlines and on social media, they have become the primary way of understanding the world. With her new book "The Art of Logic: How to Make Sense in a World that Doesn't", Eugenia has set out to show how mathematical logic can help us see things more clearly - and know when politicians and companies are trying to mislead us. This talk, like the book, is filled with useful real-life examples of logic and illogic at work and an essential guide to decoding modern life.

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This is truly going to revolutionize the way people think in general ... this talk ought to be included as a compulsory part of school education for kids and also for politicians before they enter office...


This is one of the best talks I've listened to in quite some time, Eugenia, and I am captivated by both the way you think and express yourself. Bravo!


" Science is understanding things around us, Art is interpret things around us". Thank you for this insighful talk, Dr. Eugenia


This channel had a poll recently about what to discuss next, & my response was almost exactly the topic of this talk.

I couldn't tell you whether that merely reinforces my own laziness, or whether I take it as a signal this kind of conversation really ought to be had more often.

Either way, it's much appreciated !


I think her Royal Institution talk was substantially the same talk (so if you're a fan, like me, you could now watch that one, too). Apparently that talk is called How to Think Like a Mathematician.


Mind-blowing concept. One of the best talks I've seen. It is like the time we take analytic geometry and ties together algebra and geometry. This time is is a logic and geometric union.


Logic as an art: this happens when we connect it to life. Thank you for this lecture.


On another video explaining category theory: "an object is defined by its context not its content"-- I feel like she may have missed that memo...


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 🧠 Introduction to Importance of Logic in a Confusing World
- Discusses the significance of logic in navigating a world that often lacks coherence.
- Acknowledges the urgency to address current events, leading to a more political exploration of how math can provide solutions.
02:22 🤔 Mathematics as a Framework for Better Thinking
- Explores the idea that pure mathematics serves as a framework for agreeing on things and thinking effectively.
- Highlights the misconception that math is only relevant to applied contexts, emphasizing its broader impact on human thought.
05:42 🔄 Levels of Abstraction and Analogy in Mathematics
- Illustrates the concept of abstraction using examples like counting, emphasizing the importance of finding the right level of abstraction.
- Shows how mathematical abstraction helps in understanding different situations and viewpoints.
08:33 ➗ Precision in Defining Levels for Clearer Discussions
- Discusses the importance of making precise the levels of abstraction in mathematical thinking.
- Gives examples related to addition, multiplication, and the commutativity principle.
10:01 🌐 Applying Abstract Mathematics to Real-Life Issues
- Applies abstract mathematics to real-life scenarios, such as debates about same-sex marriage and potential slippery slope arguments.
- Emphasizes the need to differentiate between various levels of analogy to have more nuanced discussions.
11:26 🔗 Embracing the Interconnectedness of Things
- Discusses the interconnected nature of various aspects of life, discouraging simplistic blame attribution.
- Uses the London Tube map analogy to illustrate interconnectedness and the importance of focusing on relevant aspects in different situations.
13:47 💔 Understanding Relationship Breakdowns Through Interconnected Arrows
- Applies the concept of interconnectedness to relationship breakdowns, showcasing how actions and feelings can form a complex cycle.
- Advocates for identifying the weakest link in the cycle to break it and facilitate better understanding and communication.
16:12 🚓 Analyzing Police Violence Through Interconnected Causes
- Examines the interconnected causes of police violence against black people, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced discussion.
- Encourages considering the responsibilities of those with more power in the situation.
18:36 ✈️ Complex Chain of Events: The United Airlines Incident
- Breaks down the complex chain of events leading to the United Airlines incident, highlighting interconnected factors.
- Emphasizes how changing any one factor could have altered the outcome, demonstrating the complexity of real-world situations.
20:02 🍔 Weight Gain and Factors
- Weight gain is influenced by the balance between energy intake and expenditure.
- Metabolism plays a role in weight gain, affected by factors like sleep, genetics, and exercise.
21:28 💰 Money and Weight Dynamics
- The multibillion-pound food industry influences eating habits for profit.
- Social pressure, emotions, and advertising contribute to overeating and failed attempts at weight loss.
22:21 🗳️ Logic in Political Analysis
- Logic helps understand interconnected factors in complex issues like the 2016 US election.
- The diagram illustrates the interconnectedness of various factors influencing the election outcome.
23:46 🔗 Relationships and Category Theory
- Category theory focuses on studying relationships between things rather than intrinsic characteristics.
- Diagrams illustrate relationships between numbers, revealing patterns and hierarchies.
26:04 🔡 Abstraction in Interconnected Structures
- Abstraction reveals common structures between different scenarios.
- The factors-of-30 diagram is analogous to structures representing relationships between different types of privilege.
28:27 🔄 Pivoting Between Privilege
- Abstract structures aid in understanding privilege and power dynamics.
- Pivoting between scenarios helps empathize with different perspectives on privilege.
33:10 🤔 Understanding Power Differences
- Abstract structures clarify power differences in various contexts.
- Power dynamics in relationships, race, and gender are discussed using the analogy of privilege cubes.
36:30 🧠 Factors of Intelligence
- Intelligence involves being reasonable, powerfully logical, and helpful.
- Emotions play a crucial role in being helpful and understanding others.
39:47 🤔 Abstract Mathematics and Empathy
- Logic and abstract mathematical thinking can help understand others' perspectives.
- Empathy is enhanced by combining logic and emotions, creating a virtuous circle.
41:14 📚 Balancing Helping Others and Self-Care
- Deriving self-worth from helping others is valuable, but it should not lead to martyrdom.
- Balancing self-care and assistance prevents burnout and ensures sustained support.
43:10 🧠 Breaking Down Challenges
- Dealing with complex challenges becomes easier with practice and familiarity.
- Identifying weak points in the challenge structure aids in initiating effective change.
45:04 🌐 Engaging People Via Logic
- Optimism for change is grounded in the belief that many are open to logical reasoning.
- Starting with individuals genuinely willing to improve facilitates broader societal shifts.
47:28 🎨 Logic as an Art Form
- Viewing logic as an art involves interpreting and understanding the world.
- Logic becomes an art when it requires emotional engagement and nuanced communication.

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The idea that comes up during the Q&A comes from Confucius. The chain of change begins with oneself and permeates outward circle of influence by circle of influence..


good talk. there is an issue of factor validity however. a similar matrix for each factor where we end up with a representation of our understanding. for example, where did you get data about that factor, is data still valid?, how rigourously did you examine that factor before deciding it was a factor?
Without this layer of the exercise, it seems that we have unknown confidence in the factors and therefore unknown confidence in the factor matrix.


this isn't logic. this is a process of emotional rationalization. Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification.


What she is providing is a means of tweezing apart the underlying factors and their relationships that bring about an outcome, an outcome we fail to see because we are too emotionally invested in how we feel. For example, I absolutely don't understand why the overwhelming number of evangelicals are Trump supporters. It baffles and angers me. BUT, if someone, more intelligent than I, could write down all the possible factors and the relationship of those entities to each other, than I may get a better sense of how/why they feel the way they do (not that it's morally correct or congruent with their teachings) - then it makes me more intelligent via "logic." Then, at least to some degree, there is better understanding than the more crude blanket of emotional disdain that consumes our political rancor.


This proves the need for Hegelian historicism [minus his totolatarianism] and pre-logical positivistic philosophy, such as the American Pragmatists.


Very interesting how such logical systems can produce such flawed conclusions when the input used is false. I wonder how complex it would be if we made an "Abstract Math Chat" system where people could add and rewire. It should be possible to build a system where we could express ideas to each other more efficient, but it might be hard to get around flawed input in the equations. At least we could point out where we see logical fallacies easier. I wonder if we will send thoughts of geometrical patterns to each other in the future to prove our points and if we will be able to agree more with each other.


Superb! What a talented and amazing person.


Eugenia Cheng on Category Theory of Empathy!


Thank you for sharing your understanding and experience; your presentation is inspiring and thought-provoking!


Although I see the value of logic, what Teacher Cheng does not address is that logic dictates that people should learn proper moral values. If they did, many of the responses she suggested wouldn't happen. F.i. the example of the man that doesn't feel respected and thus cans give love. That is the result of being raised into a selfish person. With a bit more sense of altruism he would not blackmail his partner by witholding love due to not experiencing enough respect. It is illogical to accept avarice as normal. It reduces the person to the mechanical level of a car. It is especially the interconnectedness she addresses that makes it valuable to see non linearity as being part of logic, and not just simple linear causalit


Amen Eugenia. Thank you for your contribution. Other distinguished mathematicians out there? Any thoughts on what we're experiencing today? Or maybe everyone is too overwhelmed...
