Kristen Bell On Her Decision To Stop Voicing A Biracial Character On 'Central Park'

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In this bonus clip from her chat with our host Stephen Colbert, children's book author and actor Kristen Bell talks about how her role on the animated show "Central Park" came to be, and why she decided to step aside and create an opportunity for another actor. #StephenAtHome #CentralPark #KristenBell

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I respect Kristen's decision, but i still think a voice actor shouldn't be excluded from playing a different race character. I grew up with Samurai Jack, and only found out he was voiced by a black person in my adulthood. That didn't affect my memories of the cartoon because the voice actor had an amazing voice which suited the character. Multiple teenage boys/pre-teens have been voiced by women, and i don't think that should change, just pick the best voice actor for the job.


I understand the "opportunity" aspect, of course there should be equal opportunities for every actor from every race to portray a character. However, it shouldn't mean a cartoon character should be played by the same race, same sex, same anything... It's the beauty of voice acting, everyone can play everyone if the voice fits. It also contributes to social understanding of we're all people and it's unifying when you learn that a beloved white character is voiced by a black actor or vice versa. It reminds us that the skin color doesn't define anything, it doesn't even define our voices, we're all peoplei no matter what. Give all the opportunities for colored people, people from other cultures or religions, lgbt people in every job field and hire them, let them perform. But don't draw strict lines to who should play who...


I think one of the points here is that people of color are very under hired; by her stepping aside, she's allowing someone of color who might not otherwise be given an opportunity a role and a job.

Yes, bigger and more systemic changes need to happen but every little step forward is a step forward.


I think diversity should only mean having diverse voices. If you have black people voicing characters in your show, it shouldn’t matter the color of the character they’re voicing.


As a black guy(I know i don't have to include that)

I can appreciate the sentiment, however, I think that might be a little much. We don't have to go as far as segregating voice actors in cartoons to uphold equal rights in the work place. *In not saying that this wasn't a classy move by the way.*

I personally, don't have a problem with a black lady voicing a white character or vice versa.

We, as Americans, know discrimination when we see it, we know racism when we see it, we know class discrimination when we see it, and voicing a character that you helped to create doesn't fit that description.

If we're not careful, people of all races may lose out on opportunities to work.

Let's not let politics bleed too far into our art. Let's just apply common sense tactics in everything that we do and things should turn out fine.


I understand that Bell says she wants to open up opportunities for other actors, but it's not like the show doesn't already have a mix of different racial ethnicities in it. Bell said on her insta that her voicing a biracial character 'undermines the specificity of the mixed race experience.' So this isn't to do with opportunity then. Bell feels that her voice acting as a white person does not give full range to the mixed race experience. This is blatantly ludicrous, especially since Diggs voices a white women in the show. So the 'mixed race experience' is specific, but the 'white experience' is generic and anybody can play it? My point is not that Helen should be played by a white actor, but that Bell's position (and those in the whole show) is essentially illogical.
I'm sure they mean well but I'm struggling to understand their reasoning.
We live in strange times.


To her credit, Kristen Bell has never dabbled in African-American Vernacular English whilst providing the voice of Molly Tillerman.


I think a lot of people misunderstand what decisions like these are about. I, on principle, agree that since actors are _actors, _ it should be possible (and is basically necessary) for them to play characters that are outside of their own personal experience. I mean, that's basically most of what they do.
But this is a specific example where actors that _could_ have played certain characters much more convincingly _because_ their characters' experience matches their own, were historically excluded from being cast _at all, _ never mind being cast as other races like white people often were. So decisions like these are often more about righting certain wrongs.
Another example would be the depiction of people with disabilities who have so often been played by able-bodies actors when actual disabled actors could not only have been more convincing in their roles, it would also be a good opportunity for these people that often have a tough spot finding any work at all.

Yes, in a color-blind society where racism no longer exists, it should be totally fine for Kristen to voice a biracial character, and the other way around. But we don't live in that society.


This is one of those unique scenarios where the voice actor getting replaced might not care if their lines get redone for previous seasons


I understand the kind intention and support behind the decision. But the indication of racism here is troubling. To have the best actor to play a certain role is the integrity of this art form. To gift a role to an actor because of race is just as bad as to taking away a role because of his or her race.


I think actors because they live in a bubble with other actors really overestimate the impact they have on people who work nine to five for a living


I understand why she made the decision but I’m not sure that I agree with it, I think a huge part of the show has to do with the color and gender blind casting, almost every character is played by someone completely physically different from themselves.


*In 2008 straight actor Sean Penn
won the Academy Award for Best Actor
for his role as Harvey Milk the legendary gay rights activist ... the film was released to much acclaim and earned numerous accolades from film critics and guilds for Penn's performance ... Yeah if that movie was made in 2020 Penn wouldn't even get an audition for the role ... If actors can only portray characters that have the same sexual orientation
or full racial background in the future the whole concept of "acting" is just meaningless.*


There is such a thing as being overly PC. This is ridiculous!


By her logic, no famous actors or actresses should ever take any role, because it’s keeping the role from others who are less privileged


the thing to take away from this is its not bad for her to stay or go...take the kind gesture for what it is and that makes bell happy to step down...kristen character is awesome ..


"I was the only character to play outside my race." Cut to Titus who is not biracial or Jewish.


As a child I loved watching the Japanese TV show, Monkey Magic, which was dubbed over by English speaking actors. It wasn't until I was an adult that I learnt the show was dubbed (I was a kid in the 80's, how would I know about dubbing?). Anyway I'm so grateful it was dubbed because it allowed a (mostly) Anglo child access to another cultural experience, which in turn made me a more culturally aware adult. The world is a melting pot of culture and identity. I understand where Kristen is coming from but as an actor it's her job to play a role. Who knows, somewhere out there, a mixed-race woman might want to audition to play a short, chatty blonde. Shouldn't they have the chance?


1:00 “I was the only character playing outside of my race.” BUT Daveed Diggs (a black man) plays a white woman on the same show... why doesn’t he step down too?


What I heard her say is that she wanted to give the opportunity 2 a young person of color to play a person of color without being Typecast. I don't think it's wrong for a person to play a role across color or race necessarily but there is a pretty awkward history of that in Hollywood so I get it. Have you seen some of the people who played Native Americans in the fifties? Or Yul Brynner in The King and I. I did love that movie but looking back that casting was just wrong.
