MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2024 Career Mode Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - NEW PILOT

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Career Mode Part 1 - Recorded on PC with a RTX 4090 AMD 7950x in 4K 60fps - Sorry about this video being delayed and the tech issues

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Not sure I've laughed this much making a video before. Sorry this video is so late but would love to do more if you guys want to see it :)


"I might be coming in a little bit too fast" (Is landing at 120knots) that made me laugh so hard


Love it! just started a 3 hour career with a bunch of loading screens and leveled up to the next loading screen


Scott, if you crash please don't cut it, we deserve to see this content!


The career is one of the best things that was introduced to flight sims. Bravo to Microsoft, Asobo, and the team and developers that were assigned to work on this amazing feature. FS2020 was so boring for me but I cannot stop playing FS2024.


42:30 You will get gigged if you exceed 20 knots on the taxiways/aprons. The official guideline is you should "never taxi at a speed higher than a brisk walk"... Yeah. Right. 3.5 knots... 😒 I find 10 knots is a usable speed that still allows control for braking/turning yet doesn't mean it will take a half hour to get to the runway. Your target engine RPM in a C172 should be 800-900. You'll need more than that to start moving, but the 800-900 range seems to work well for maintaining speed on flat terrain. Up-slopes and down-slopes will, of course, change things.
48:11 You need to keep the speed BELOW 87 knots, not AT 87 knots. The C172 has a flaps-up stall speed below 65 knots. A good speed for flying around the Point of Interest is 75 knots. This allows for things like gusts of wind momentarily increasing or decreasing your airspeed.
48:51 At this point in the approach in a C172, you should be at 65 knots with 2 notches (20 degrees) of flaps extended. This runway is very long for a C172 so you could get away with no flaps, but your tires will not like you when you touch down. Always better to touch down at the slowest safe speed. The flaps speed is indicated by the white bar alongside the speed tape. Maximum speed for having flaps extended in a C172 is 82 knots. Chop your throttle and fly level until your speed is in the white bar area of the speed tape, THEN extend flaps. Note that if you THEN pitch down, you could increase speed past the white bar and you'll get flagged for exceeding the Flaps Extended speed, so you need to keep monitoring your speed throughout the approach and landing. You also carried 1000 RPM of throttle even after passing the runway threshold. Once reaching the threshold of the runway is guaranteed, you should cut throttle completely to get down to a safe landing speed AND to slow down quicker once on the runway.


Adding a notch of flaps during slow flight will help during the "scenic" portions of flight. Not having bought 2024 yet I can only guess that slow flight was covered in the flight training you skipped. It was definitely a part of my PPL training in IRL. Oh and..."pitch for speed, power for altitude."


If you're going to fly with a controller, you should spend some time tweaking the sensitivity settings for pitch, roll and yaw. (especially Yaw) There's tons of videos on YT on how to set it in fs2020 and it works pretty much the same in 2024. (click the gear icon next to the control axis and look for the sensitivity icon in there)
The idea is to make it less touchy for small control movements near center while still having full control input with large movements.
I'd try -.55 to -.65 for each of those inputs with no deadzone and see if it feels easier to fly.


Love to see you on this, my first flight i nose dived the runway takes some getting used to lol great vid !!


Loved the laughter. It's nice to watch someone play that is at my skill level. Would like more flight sim.


100% loving this already Scott! If you could make it around Edinburgh, where I'm from, that'd be cool as!


I've been considering getting this, you convinced me. Despite the weird bug where your co-pilot was replaced by a big ERROR flag to begin with. ;)


I grew up in Stamford……thanks for the tour!


I have to say I was screaming "Put first flaps on!' For most the video 🤣 But yeah... Youd fly much better in cockpit view and ditch the controller for a Honeycomb Alpha and Brava if funds allow.
All told an entertaining video. You dont take yourself too seriously which is sorely missing in the world of MSFS online commentary. It's refreshing and you have a great sense of humour. You deserve your 100k+ views. Keep it up!


I'm only 5 minutes in and it already looks so cool!


Finally someone starting in an airfield just up the road from me 😂


Banks in excess of 30º make your passengers complain about things like "turbulence". On First Flight missions, you'll be taken to the point of interest where you'll circle the POI at around 1000 AGL and 80 -83 Knots. Things are made easier of you get to the altitude/airspeed before you enter the circle. Once you get your Commercial Certificate, "Flightseeing" missions are exactly like First Flight missions, except you'll have more than one POI to circle (and you get paid!)
A heads up on small cargo delivery missions once you get your CPL... In the Italian region, if they give you a delivery to Marina Di Campo (LIRJ) and want you to land on Rwy 16, request Rwy 34 instead. The delivery was worth over 5K credits to me, but the 16 approach passes THROUGH a high hill only about 0.8 nm from the threshold. Compounding this, the runway is only 3114 feet long with the Mediterranean Sea only about 600m past the end. Unless you're in a STOL aircraft, you can't land on Rwy 16. Before you get your Instrument rating they give you basically 0 winds, so either runway should be fine, but the mission insisted on Rwy 16 and I couldn't request the alternate. I took a hit for landing on an unapproved runway.


The only thing that’s solved that silly red man was either backing to main menu or restarting game entirely so frustrating


A scenic flight around Slovakia. Also you will have fun landing at Barra Airport in Scotland


For your next flight, go to Tampa, Florida
