Why I Talk About My Abortion | Sadie Robertson Huff | Al & Lisa Robertson

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Sadie's aunt and uncle Lisa & Alan Robertson (host of the “Unashamed with the Robertson Family" podcast) get very honest about their past wrongs, what drew them to Christ and to each other, and why they will never stop sharing their stories to encourage others to find redemption and forgiveness in Jesus. Lisa talks about the abortion she had when she was 16 years old and how she's turned her grief and regret into ministry with women who have had similar experiences. Al shares his prodigal son story and Sadie marvels at the power of confession and realizing you're not the only one — there's freedom in acknowledging past wrongs! You won't want to miss a minute of this family conversation.

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00:00 - Welcome
1:03 - Al's best piece of advice
6:24 - Robertsons tell it like it is!
12:00 - How Al & Lisa met: stalker or true love?
17:06 - Al's prodigal story
20:40 - Al's relationship with his dad, Phil
23:15 - Al & Lisa's sexual sin
25:00 - Lisa's abortion
33:11 - How God has redeemed past sins
38:45 - Al & Lisa reunite after he returns home
44:55 - Sadie's brutally honest encounter with a fan
47:00 - Why Al & Lisa talk openly about their sins

Sadie Robertson, first introduced to the world as a star of A&E’s Duck Dynasty and ABC’s Dancing with the Stars, recognized she could be a positive voice to those in need of an inspiring presence in their lives. Since her early 20s, she's been one of the most prominent voices of her generation. Sadie’s passion is to speak, to write, and to encourage. She is a sister and friend to more than five million followers on her various social platforms, which she sees as a direct line of communication to her peers.

Sadie’s creative and entrepreneurial spirit has helped her become a 'New York Times Best Selling Author' and launch her Live Original brand, which speaks to millions across her various platforms, including YouTube, social media, the Live Original blog, LO Sister Community, the Live Original tour, and her WHOA That’s Good Podcast.

Additionally, Robertson has long poured her heart into philanthropic efforts. She has loved partnering with Roma Boots, Help One Now, World Vision, and the World Food Program over the last few years. To date, Robertson has been able to be a voice and agent of change in many countries, including Peru, Somalia, Moldova, and the Dominican Republic.

Sadie is married to the man of her dreams, Christian Huff, and they have two daughters. They look forward to continuing to learn what it means to truly live and celebrate in every moment of life.
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My husband cheated on me when I was pregnant, I needed to vent and went on Reddit to share what happened. A lot of people in the comments were telling me I should get an abortion. I could never bring myself to do that especially after going through a miscarriage. Loosing your baby when it’s out of your control is painful but it’s another thing to make that choice to terminate your own pregnancy. I knew in my soul the guilt would eat me alive for the rest of my life. I’m so blessed and grateful to have a good support system so I knew me and my baby would be just fine. I’m currently holding my baby in my arms & I can’t imagine my life without my son. ❤


It never goes away. I cried that day at 16 and I cry today at 52. I pray I meet this baby one day😢Ty for your story.only about 5 ppl know . I have not shared this in 20 yrs


Lisa's story is a prime example of how God will take what the enemy meant for evil and use it for his glory. Love you guys thank you for all you do


I am ashamed of the choices I made to abort my babies, I think of my babies daily and will never forget them but I've repented of my grave sins. God is merciful and forgiving, I am so grateful for this! Praise be to our Lord and Savior!


I agree, I have confessed my abortion story to my sons, daughter-in-laws and youtube. You never ever forget, or wonder what if, or stop crying. I have my sins laid it down and ask God for his forgiveness. Praise God. But the sadness, shame and tears still come everyday.


I had the exact same experience. You can NEVER forget about something like that. You always think about the what ifs. I’m forever grateful for Gods forgiveness.


I relate to Lisa’s experiences and believe God has restored and given me new life. Yet the shame can feel heavy at times. Thank you Jesus for the brave women who share there’s stories of hope.


Thanks for opening your hearts and sharing your story with us. We need to stop being so quick to judge others. We need to offer compassion and grace. God bless y’all.


Wow, her comment about feeling like death in the clinic that's powerful. I have no experience with pregnancy/abortion but as a woman I really felt that.


Thank you to your Uncle and Aunty for sharing their story! It is such an encouragement for women who are on the fence about abortion and need clarity on the cost of making such a decision🙏🏾


My 31 year old daughter and 4 year old granddaughter were living with me when my daughter told me she was pregnant again. The person she was dating had been in prison and was not nice. I remember asking her when she was moving out or getting an abortion. I wasn't thinking of the baby or my daughter, but the fact that that man was so scary and had brought us so many sleepless nights I couldn't imagine living with that the rest of my life. Fortunately, she kept the precious baby and I know GOD has forgiven me. I love that 13 little girl so much and cannot imagine life without her. Praise GOD!


Lisa, thank you for sharing your story! Your testimony is a powerful source and reminds other unmarried and pregnant women that no matter what, God will provide. Fear can feel overwhelming, and many women feel pressure to make a quick decision. They don’t know where to turn, and they think their lives and dreams are over. Embrace Grace provides support and community through local churches for single and pregnant young women and their families. We continuously pray that every girl with an unplanned pregnancy has a church to go to for spiritual, emotional, and physical support. 🌸💖


Wow, anytime I hear about some deleting their child i instantly want to cry . My mother when I was either 15 or 16 years old thinking I was pregnant since I had done the deed said why don’t you take the pill and I instantly knew that I wouldn’t sadly I had an ectopic pregnancy, I know years later my mom regretted ever saying that but she was scared. Now at 22 I had my beautiful miracle baby and I could never even imagine life without him in it


This is one of my favorite podcasts you've ever done because it's so real, full of humor and honesty 💛☺️


Thank you all for your honesty!! We need more honesty and vulnerability like this. It shows the true grace and love of Jesus!


So grateful for the vulnerability and willingness to share those dark moments, it served it's purpose - thank you ❤


I was pro choice (I would never have one but was ok with it) until I took my best friend to her abortion appointment in 2014. It was a dark place full of young women, all doped up on the meds they are given. Then sat in the waiting room for hours until it's their turn.... All while watching craft shows on a channel called "Create." Sickening.. God wanted me there to show me the full truth of what I was supporting. I've been loud and proud pro life ever since.


Thank you for having the courage to share you story. I hope this reaches so many hearts. I know it touched mine.


So great to see AL and Lisa on Sadie's podcast


My mom had two abortions and it messed her up. She had such a difficult time forgiving herself and accept God’s forgiveness
