Irregular Verbs | American Pronunciation

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This video is about the American pronunciation of some of the most important irregular verbs. These verbs are used in our daily life, and it would be ideal to know their accurate pronunciation.
Irregular verbs are verbs that don't end in -ed in the past. They have different or irregular forms, hence the term "irregular verbs".
In this particular video, we pronounce 50 of the most important ones.
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Most non-native English speakers struggle with the pronunciation of the past tense of some of these irregular verbs such as: buy, read, find, etc. The knowledge of these verbs and their pronunciation is capital if you want to speak English correctly.
The more you practice, the more accurate your pronunciation becomes.
00:00 Introduction
00:03 Begin Break Bring Build Buy
00:27 Catch Choose Draw Drink Drive
00:50 Eat Fall Feed Feel Find
1:12 Fly Forget Forgive Get Grow
1:34 Hear Hide Know Learn Leave
1:57 Make Mean Meet Pay Read
2:19 Ride Rise Run Say See
2:43 Sell Show Sing Sit Sleep
3:06 Speak Spend Stand Steal Swim
3:31 Take Teach Tell Think Throw
3:55 Conclusion
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Irregular verbs are verbs that don't end in -ed in the past. They have different or irregular forms, hence the term "irregular verbs".
In this particular video, we pronounce 50 of the most important ones.
** Want to start a podcast to improve your English? Checkout these gears:
Most non-native English speakers struggle with the pronunciation of the past tense of some of these irregular verbs such as: buy, read, find, etc. The knowledge of these verbs and their pronunciation is capital if you want to speak English correctly.
The more you practice, the more accurate your pronunciation becomes.
00:00 Introduction
00:03 Begin Break Bring Build Buy
00:27 Catch Choose Draw Drink Drive
00:50 Eat Fall Feed Feel Find
1:12 Fly Forget Forgive Get Grow
1:34 Hear Hide Know Learn Leave
1:57 Make Mean Meet Pay Read
2:19 Ride Rise Run Say See
2:43 Sell Show Sing Sit Sleep
3:06 Speak Spend Stand Steal Swim
3:31 Take Teach Tell Think Throw
3:55 Conclusion
Disclaimer: Some of these links are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.