Callie was engaged to her high school sweetheart. Then tragedy hit.

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In a world where a heart has endured immense pain, can it ever discover the beauty of love once again?
Callie's heart brimmed with hope as she glanced down at the engagement ring from her high school sweetheart, only to have fate cruelly snatch him away in a heart-wrenching car crash. The weight of grief pressed upon her, leaving her crushed and hollow, struggling to find a reason to carry on.
Just when the darkness threatened to consume her, Maison emerged, a beacon of light that breathed life back into her shattered existence. With his unwavering support, Callie found the strength to embrace a fresh start. Yet, an unexpected danger sent her running away from Maison, leaving her stranded alone amidst the torrential rain of a desolate parking lot, her heart as vulnerable as ever.
Amidst the shadows, Kai Sterling silently observed the unfolding tragedy. Compelled by an unexplainable force, he stepped forward to rescue Callie from her torment. Will Kai prove to be her steadfast protector, shielding her from the haunting terrors of her past? Or will the magnitude of her pain prove insurmountable, testing the limits of even his unwavering resolve?
Prepare to be enthralled as this suspenseful tale of romance unravels before your eyes, unveiling unexpected twists at every juncture. It is a story that will grip your heart and leave you yearning for more as Callie's journey towards healing and love takes you on a breathtaking rollercoaster ride of emotions.
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