Liminal Spaces That Actually Scared Me

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Hello everyone, this video is probably one of my favorite ones that I have done so far, it covers liminal spaces and why some of them are creepy so I hope you find it as enjoyable as I did :)
- spaceroar

0:00 Intro
0:16 Introduction
1:22 Liminal Spaces in Malls
2:39 Pool Rooms
4:12 Types of liminal Spaces
5:45 Gas Stations
6:00 An Exploration of Liminal Spaces
7:51 Liminal Spaces in Video Games
9:30 What makes a liminal space scary
9:49 The Backrooms
11:47 The end
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Wow this video is blowing up, this was by far my favorite video i've ever made so far so thank you so much for commenting and subscribing, my next video should be out this week and it's about the weird and disgusting world of tiktokers who had done bizarre and disgusting things, hopefully that one does as good as this one :)


Honestly I'm so glad that "liminal space" is a specific term and that we have it outside the Backrooms. Yes, the Backrooms includes liminal spaces but in case the monsters and different lore added to the Backrooms takes away from its original vibe, we still have the liminal space genre.


monsters defeat the purpose of liminal spaces, its supposed to be a sense of eerie familiarity


I see people talk about liminal spaces as being creepy or comforting but no mention of how depressing they are. My theory is that the depressive feeling is lost due to the nostalgic horror but, the feeling persists for me as a captured memory long forgotten.


The thing about liminal spaces is that they basically are just regular photos, just with bad picture quality and some things from the 1980s to 2010s. But for some reason they give off such a vibe, it’s hard to describe, like a combination of fear, confusion, nostalgia, warmth and it makes you shake with emotion. Though they just are normal photos of old stuff, they really challenge and confuse the brain which makes people feel so many complex emotions


I grew up in Iran in the middle east and I do get that strange feeling of liminal spaces. While I spent around an equal amount of time in the U.S. and Iran during my childhood, some of the images remind me of Iran and others of America. Iran had more oldschool type malls, parking lots, and that dark yellow haze to it, like the street and building lights. America had more schools and playgrounds. Overall, I do still get that weird liminal feeling from images that remind me of my home country of Iran.


If you check the service rooms in the mall wonder lands of Americas it gets terrifying. There are just long hallways with nothing and a elevator that goes down somewhere.


Every time I see a liminal space, I just want to cry. Those take me back to a simpler time, give me the feeling of my childhood I can’t return to. It feels like a part of my life isn’t and can’t be finished. Does anyone think the same way?


From Myanmar here, and growing up rural i rarely came into spaces I'd describe as liminal. However in cities the biggest liminal space I remember is hanging out with friends in abandoned factories and build sites. Many companies would start projects because our work force was so cheap, but they'd often be abandoned because the land they were on was so bad (most of us were on swamps)

Idk how else to describe those places, because walking along a half built hallway with a thick smog is insanely unnerving


I have a theory that whether one find liminal spaces creepy or comforting is heavily influenced by whether one is an introvert or extrovert. Introverts might find them familiar, yet devoid of social expectation and therefore comforting. Extroverts might find the lack of people where there should be people unsettling.


For me, it never scares me at all. It makes me feel comfortable & nostalgic feeling. I'm addicted to seeing these


Before my grandma passed away she gave me and my family the exact same rocking chair seen at 0:26, so I think this liminal space resonates with me the best.


Comment "spooky" for algorithm to show me some love :)


Hello there! I grew up in Romania's countryside, and I have to say many of these just really didn't do it for me. Some of the mall pictures had that feeling, but I think it's because I used to see them so much on TV.
Although, the ones that give me the eerie feelings the most, are the ones of the gas stations, and coincidence or not, those are about the only ones I had experienced in childhood, when my parents would drive to the city and stop at a gas station, and there is even one not too far out from our village that I would see a lot. That being said, in video games, or video form for that matter, I always seem to get a nostalgia feeling, because of the sound design.

This was a great video and I am glad the algorithm brought me here! I will be sure to come back:)


i really appreciate the fact that liminal spaces are a niche trend because they are extremely comforting for me despite their eeriness, so i love that there is a vast amount of content on them as well as a community who loves them just as much as me. personally they help me cope, so the fact that there is still a lot of content being produced on them makes me so happy. it's just the very special/eerie feeling of loneliness one of these places gives you that makes it feel so peaceful and safe for me. my favorite are outdoor liminal spaces (containing lots of grass) and the poolrooms. something about the lighting of the sun in these places gives me so much comfort and makes me actually want to get lost in them for a while.


the pool rooms are beautiful and mesmerising. I love them so much


Some would say I'm stuck in liminal spaces, but I find it more like a vacation in the past reality


The #1 type of liminal space for me is a swimming pool / leisure centre. The humid atmosphere and chlorine smell, voices reverberating off the high ceiling, everything covered in repetitive tiles, weird tubes and underwater grates - they are intriguing and oddly sad places, especially when empty. Maybe visits to these highly sensory places were among the most significant early memories we made as children, so they become wired into our identity somehow.


Emptiness is a liminal space's greatest weapon, having a monster chasing you in one would make you focus only on the monster. You'd ignore the space, the whole point of it, the atmosphere.


we have a local mall that’s really nostalgic for me. It flooded in a hurricane in 2008 and was cleared out and abandoned. Walking through it really gave that liminal space feeling, it weirded me out. It’s slowly being revived which is nice, but dead sections still exist. I’m also glad you mentioned airports. I love flying and do it all the time, but recently I had a flight cancelled due to mechanical problems and was stuck overnight in my terminal. It was so eerie, being somewhere I’m usually so comfortable, with so many people, suddenly just dead with patches of darkness since they’d turned off some lights and only the occasional sound of janitors rolling their carts around somewhere unseen. So freaky 😭
