DC Model Train Layout Block Wiring And Analog Locomotive Contro

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This selection DC Model Train Layout Block Wiring And Analog Locomotive Control is from our library of diorama and scale model scenery tutorials. The library is one of many others we have that contain videos covering all aspects of model railroading and making dioramas.

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A DC layout with block wiring can also be used to run DCC enabled locomotives.
And you can use DCC on a DC layout with block wiring. You do that by disconnecting your dc power, and switching all blocks to a single cab position. With all blocks thus connected, you can use your DCC Control Station as you normally would.
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The best part of this video for me was the wiring diagram for DC dual cab block operation. However, where it shows the wires coming from the double throw switches (I'll be using 3-position switches in order to have an off position for both cabs) the red "Cab A" wire is connected to "Cab B" and vice versa for the green wires. Unless I'm missing something I have modified my wiring diagram (based on yours) to connect the "A" switch position to the "A Cab", and the "B" switch position to the "B Cab". Thank you for posting this.


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One point that's not emphasised is that with the two controllers sharing the Common return each controller has to be fed by an independant transformer winding - so using two wall warts (rather than a single PSU) is required othewise you'll get a short.

Great video, and the wiring diagram alone is very useful.


If all your doing is running one train at a time but want to have multiple locomotives on the layout parked but you don’t want them to move you just need to make block sections and have your locomotive parked in on the blocks. A simple way too do this is use plastic rail jointers that will cut the power. Now somewhere on the track just before the block solder a wire to the both rails connect both wires to a switch then hook up that to the block. So flick switch block is powered with track once trains parked flick switch again power is dead to the block. Very easy to do actually just requires a little soldering


Thanks for the response. I have another question. The diagram shows the common rail being fed from both cabs. Since the common rail is continuously electrified, is it necessary to have that feed come from both cabs, or is only one one cab required to feed the common rail as long as that cab is on while operating the other cab? Thanks again.


Shouldn't the green wire from Cab A go to the "A" side of the double throw switch and likewise the red wire on Cab B to the "B" side of the switch?


Could I power both controllers from separate transformers? Would this cause a short?


Why does it need to be that way. If you don’t do this it won’t work? I don’t understand .
