What Is Going On With The Helldivers 2 Community...Again

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What is going on with Helldivers 2? Just a few weeks after launch and the community is becoming more toxic every day. In this unscripted video Codiak shares his thoughts about what's going right, what's going wrong, and how we can move forward as new content is launched.

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The community isn't just the people who are on social media by the way


They also shadow buff monsters and spawning amount ...


I've been around long enough to know a few things about video games and the communities that form around them.

1) The online community are the most prone to complain. They may seem like the majority of players, but take a look at how many people are posting vs how many are playing the game.
Just like consumer reviews, people with complaints are FAR more likely to say something than people who are content with the product.

2) Online communities are very prone to the "echo chamber" effect. If someone has a problem, the 10 other people who feel the same will all agree. Now there is 11 people who are agreeing with each other in a row, which makes it seem like that's the general consensus. Now people who are prone to "the consensus is right" will start to agree. Suddenly 11 people turns into 100 people: 89 of which are parrotting the initial 11, without actually asking important - if not critical - questions regarding things like:
"Is the state of the game objectively reflecting the opinion of this online community?"
"Are the nerfs as impactful as some are claiming?"
"Are the weapons that were buffed being given proper acknoledgement?"
"What kind of people are the initial 11 (in this case) like? Do they have a history of complaining, or trolling, or overblown doomposting?"

3) There's a concept called the Dunning-Kruger effect. In short, many people think they're superior than they actually are. The better/more skilled/more knowledgable someone is, the more acutely they can recognize their flaws and understand what they know vs what they do NOT know. The DK kids are the opposite: the worse they are, the less they actually know and the less they see their own ignorance and lack of skill.

4) People don't like nerfs. They pick what they think is "OP" and it becomes their favorite weapon, BECAUSE it's overtuned. When the weapon is rebalanced to not be overpowered, they get upset and blame everything but themselves for picking a "favorite" gun that they should know WILL BE REBALANCED. After all, it's OP for a reason.


It's the players saying get good that are dividing everyone and are the most toxic with all their name calling and insults.


Getting stuck on various sample locations, bunkers and pods


People care a lot. They want to love it the most.


I don’t know why but something just feels off in game, like unresponsive and just more frustrating for some reason


The amount of bugs is just unbearable, and I'm not talking about the ones you can shoot...


One side is

*This game is bad now, they nerf railgun slightly and softly tweak breaker, 0/10 refund*

The other side

*Adapt or die*


Gameplay is fine even post nerf, but stability, sample rewards after match need to be consistent. Losing time is the real enemy to democracy.


After the patch my big issue is that they stealth patched the AI and enemy spawning and made the game harder and just plain annoying. And now the servers are jacked up again and I'm getting stuck in place while picking up items again.


My problem is: I participated in 2 major orders and got 0 medals out of it. Where are the medals? Whats going on?


I’ve already given up on the community roleplay that was going on. I don’t pay attention to meta (tf does that even mean) and just naturally went to railgun and breaker. The result was automatically being called bad and brainless by ‘fellow helldivers’ and a dam dev. I now go in with the mindset I’m a death row inmate being thrown in with prissy helldivers.


The idea that anyone would ENJOY seeing others getting turned off of the game due to the nerfs is gross. What kind of sadistic freudian weirdness would bring someone to find pleasure in someone's pain/disappointment?


Players : devs made everything X4 harder with the heavy spawns !
Dev: lmao gitgud

There is no false narrative this is exactly what happened


limit exposure to gamers, always.
even if you’re one of them


I played this game every day and always had fun. After the patch i played for 3 hours. Tried different weapons and strategems. Went to lower difficulties. I had zero fun. It was all frustrating and not enjoyable at all. I don't play anymore


The devs are simply clueless.
I can bet it has less than 100k players in a month.


IDK man, before the patch I was doing 7-8s, now I’m having a really hard time with 5-6s. I like killing stuff and they made stuff harder to kill. My biggest pet peeves in games like these are bullet sponges. I only played for half the day and logged off and haven’t been on since. Instead of nerfing what was fun and worked they should have buffed everything else, I would say 7/10 of stratagems and weapons are useless.


Downvoting all these "content creators" who keep promoting a false narrative about the community. Spread Democracy, not Disinformation...
