If you are truly poor and struggling please watch this

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⚠️ Never give someone your money that claims to be me. I will never ask you for money or invest money for you. WARING SCAMMERS ⚠️
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I agree, I have no one else to blame, but myself for my current situation. Thank you Ninja for making me say it out loud.


You want to find someone truly poor? You want to see poverty? Come to North Carolina and see what tropical storm Helene did.
These people lost family members, their homes, and their jobs. They do not have electricity or water. And they certainly do not have money for classes online. But your prayers sure would be appreciated.


I’m 65 years old and retired/disabled. In my past life raising 3 children and having a family, I lost my job in 2006. my company downsized and sold half of their business to China. Had 24 years there. Then the crash of 2008 hit and my 401k dropped 60%
. thank God, I have Jesus in my life and always have. For that, I am blessed.
I give to a food pantry nearby. It’s the same one that I went to with my wife, , , so years ago.


I remember going into a Catholic food bank in Richmond VA and asking what the best thing that I could donate to help the needy. They told me peanut butter and jam. I returned with a half dozen of quart sized bottles of each and some canned items. They told me that one jar of peanut butter and one jar of jam would be lunches for a week for a family. That really hit home. There are things we consider small that others are praying for.


57 year old male. My sailboat sank in Helena. I endured 13 hours of high wind and waves, dragging my sailboat for miles. I got to shore on a paddle board. Then got on a Greyhound. I lost everything. Homeless now
Herniated c5, c6, c7 t12, L5 and L 4
No pads between disc. Mandatory surgery order. 3 severe degenerative bone disease. Planters facitus. Carpal tunnel syndrome. Denied disability. Denied Work Comp. No surgery.
Lost all appeals
Declared Pre existing conditions.
I take no food stamps. No disability and no stimulus check
So be it. God has never let me down.


I'm truly poor with finances but I'm rich in other areas- like my faith in God.


I am very much cash poor due to disability and a scammer who took what little I had to teach me to invest. They taught me nothing but don't trust anyone who wants large sums of money from people who don't have it. When you show up to job interviews in a wheelchair a decision is made about you before you speak a word. That is just a cold, hard fact.
However, Jesus fills my heart and life with joy and peace for the journey. Being able to sleep at night wherever that might be with the peace of Psalm 23 and 91 is priceless.


Look in Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia. You’ll find people in need .
These people truly have nothing left nothing at all, sleeping in tents well some of them .they’ve lost entire families, children parents homes, cars, everything they have nothing businesses there’s a place to start .


I’m cash poor but have a large loving family. I’m way better off than most.


Had to quit work to take care of my special needs child. I couldn't take the chance that my special needs child would accidentally kill my 1 year old child. Lost everything I own, but my children safety comes first. Poor I have never been so poor.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. ❤😢😭💔


I rescued a dog from animal control. Universe send me a job.


I never had anyone cheering me on. I never knew all this economic stuff till you. I am poor, but I have Jesus and my family.


The poorest in our country are better off than 90% of the rest or the world.


I recently purchased your real estate master class and am about 49% complete - it’s worth every penny! I understand the concept of having skin in the game as an entrepreneur. I was a banker for 15 years and left the banking industry in my 30s to pursue an online coaching career. I initially charged $100/month until I invested in business coaching myself (it was $30k) I then began charging $1200 for 3 months and those students had better results! I later started my own cleaning business and now I want to start acquiring real estate! I love your channel and you are a blessing!


When I reached my teenage years, my father told me this, "The world owes you a living. Now get off your ass and earn it."


I was at the grocery store one Sat. early evening and there was a middle-aged woman walking around the parking lot holding a sign saying, "Need help, have 2 kids" (or similar). My teen works at that store so I found and told him, so he could alert management if they would care about someone begging in their parking lot. They did, and my son went out with one of the higher-ups to tell her she needed to move along. There was no issue. The higher employee menioned to my kid, on the walk back in, "If she asked if we were hiring, I would have interviewed her RIGHT NOW and fast-tracked her application if she was a good fit. She didn't even ask." The woman needed 'help', but not enough to work for it. She wanted others to provide.


UPDATE: Western North Carolina and I'm poor and gonna die that way. The "SYSTEM" will let you down. You tell people to go buy gold, silver, bitcoin as if everyone is financially well off. WAKE UP is not the case.


I live in a 1, 000 trailer in a trailer park where my lot rent is 200.00 a month. I drive a 20 year old vehicle. I am disabled and live on 1200 a month. I get 138. In food stamps. I had a heart attack last February and pay150.00 for meds every three months but here’s the kicker I am not poor, I have the greatest treasure I have ever received and it was learning how to have a thankful heart . It literally transformed me. I don’t have anxiety or worry, the weight of the world has been lifted from me and now I can feel God within like I never expected. Now with any extra money I have left each month I plant seeds( small investments) and forget about them because whether or not they grow I am still blessed. I do for others as often as I can and ask for nothing in return. Being thankful changes your outlook and takes you out of the world of man and deposits you as part of Gods world. I’ve watched you for the last few years and I can see in you a real desire to help and it brings me great joy to know there is another soul out there who truly cares. Thank you brother for showing your wings.


When I became a massage therapist I was helping people who could not afford to pay me that needed extensive work. All I asked them to do is make the appointments that we have set up and if they can't come to cancel within a good time span failure failure failure. So I'm with you don't give anything away from for free because people don't appreciate it😢😂❤
