An Orchid Bonsai?? - This Phalaenopsis makes a TON of flowers!

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Phalaenopsis equestris is a small flowered species known for its ability to put on an amazing flower show! It is very prone to branched flower spikes and also keikis, which in turn bloom just as well as the mother plants! Can you imagine the striking bloom show? I am off to buy an equestris :D

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I killed a lot of orchids before I found your channel. Thank you so much. As long as I follow your advice, my orchids are happy. Thank you again


Love your posts. They make my heart sing. Your posts bring so much joy!


Very impressive cluster of flowers. Thank you for showing it to us. Now there is another orchid to add to my collections. 🙏🙏🙏


I have a noid that I believe is an equestris hybrid. Bought her with 4 flower spikes, then as one of them died, she produced another 2. As the original 3 went out, the 2 new ones matured. I recently removed them, and behold... I found a new flower spike. So since I got her over a year ago she's had 7 flower spikes, that appeared regardless of growing leaves, roots and the temperature. Amazing.


I just bought a young equestris that's 1-2 years from blooming size for $15 US. I also ordered a phal samera for $15 since it's a primary hybrid between bellina and violacea


I have been wanting to thank you for the wonder tip on what to look for on a Phalaenopsis Orchid stem once the bloom is over. I trimmed just where you indicated and sure enough, weeks later, I have a new flower stem emerging, and I can see perhaps a second one coming along too! I have had these orchids for years and have usually had good luck getting them to re-bloom, however, I never knew this tip until now.. Thanks to you! I am so grateful for your expertise! I love your channel!


I’ve recently discovered equestris hybrids and I’m IN LOVE! The little tiny flowers do something to my heart 💗 I saw one at an itch I’d show and bought it on the spot. It’s the Phalaenopsis Chi Yueh Flora Fairy. It’s very similar to the Phal Malibu Chipper ‘Twinkles’.


I just bought one of these this week. The pale pink variety but it looks a little bit more lilac in color. It is absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to see it mature.


Love this orchid. Such a great show of flowers.


I love her and I want her!!!! Stunning.


This is equestris blush and it’s really popular in Turkey and russian countries. Also there is gossip that saying they stop producing this and not available anymore. Which seems like truth for now at least because you can’t find it in the market easily and people are selling keikies with unbelievable price. I am fun of this orchid and looking forward to get a little keiki from my friend.


Ohmygoddd thats incredible! i always imagine how beautiful my orchids wil look once mature / at full potential compared to when i bougt them, really makes it all worth it!


That is a gorgeous orchid 😍 There is apparently a peloric form called Carousel which was sold by Claesen Orchids a while ago.
I need to stop watching these videos, I am running out of prime plant housing location. To be fair, I ran out of room a long time ago, but as long as I can still find inventive solutions to this problem like extra plant shelves and hanging planters, I still gave some wiggling room 😂 My husband and daughter have been known to accuse me of making them live in a jungle ❤😂


I WANT IT! Let me accidentally set it back to near death upon purchase! Haha

Thanks Dani!


I have equestris. It started producing ROOTS at the top of the flower spike. Then, 2 tiny leaves showed up (few milimeters). And then I got another flower in the center of this few milimeters big keiki 😂😂😂 I am sorry I cannot post the picture of this crazy plant.


You had to show your face. Now we all are crushing too hard to pay attention to the orchids 😎


Love this gray sweatshirt (and the red version)! That’s your own merch, right? Any chance you’ll be bringing those back?


Hi MOG, I think I found this orchid. Could you take a look at your specimen and see if the leaves have very, very tiny silver speckles. When you compare a different plant to it you can see this difference easier.


Hello Miss Orchid Girl! I love your videos and all of your gorgeous orchids! I really want to get the Phal. Smiley Tangerine that I saw in another one of your videos, but I am having a hard time finding it in store and even online. Where did you purchase yours?


Love it! Unfortunately where I live I can't find too many varieties. There is a big orchid greenhouse outside of Chicago, but they don't seem to have very many varieties! I haven't tried online yet.
