How to pronounce SH in English correctly | ESL pronunciation practice exercises

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Exercise 1:
Single syllable:
Fresh brush push
Shake ship shelf
Chair chalk bench much
Chick kitchen fetch

Exercise 2:
Special ancient efficient
Machine chute (French origin)
Revolution operation nation initial
Structure picture fortune

Exercise 3:
Sore sure | pressing pressure
Faces facial | missing mission
Pieces species | reversal reversion
Brussels Prussian | evasive evasion

Exercise 4:
Emotion erosion | invention invasion
Excursion exclusion | ancient Asian
Chic chick machine achieve brochure brooches
Chef chief chiffon cheek bone nation nature
Chicago Chicano chignon cheerio fiction picture

How to speak SH sound (sure, smash, sugar): Watch this video lesson and repeat after the instructor. Please follow the example of the techer and the directions he gives, they are going to improve your British English pronunciation and reduce your foreign accent. Cheers!

Exercise 5:
Fresh sheet foolish show Harsh shadow
Blush shamefully beige shirt British chauvinism
Irish sheep English chips Polish shoes
does she has she was she
is she was short as sure

Exercise 6:
Sheila’s shopping list:
Sugar shirt
Shoes sheets
Fish and crisps washing powder
Shoe polish instant mashed potato
English dictionary cushion

Exercise 7:
Shopping with Sheila:
Shepherds bookshop
Fashion for men sunshine grocery tore
Electricity showroom Seafood restaurant
Shores shoe shop Soft furnishing and bedding Co.

Exercise 8:
A: Good morning. Welcome to Supervacation Travel Agency. Can I help you?
B: Yes, I hope so. I’m interested in a short holiday soon. I’d like some information.
A: Yes, certainly. What sort of holiday interests you?
B: Somewhere with some sunshine.
A: What about a luxury cruise?
B: What exactly happens on a luxury cruise?
A: Well, a cruise is a holiday on a ship. The ship itself is very
luxurious; it’s like staying in a luxury hotel. The ship sails to various places.
Passengers get off and see the sights.
B: I’m not sure. What other holidays can you suggest?
A: Here’s a Supervacation brochure. It gives information about lots of holidays.
See what suits you best. Then we’ll fix it.
B: Thanks for the information. I expect I’ll see you soon.

Exercise 9:
Comparison /ʆ/ show /s/ so
- A shirt, sir? Yes, sir. This will suit you – it’s in a very fashionable shade.
- Mm. I want something simpler.
- A silver one, perhaps? It’s got some special sewing on the sleeve.
- Can’t you show me a simple shirt in an ordinary shade?
Perhaps I should try the next shop.
- Now… let me see, sir. Let me see… er… Ah!
- Mm. Yes – perhaps I will try the next shop.

Exercise 10:
/ʆ/ shop /tʆ/ chop /s/ seem
- The Chairman shouted at Miss Chase.
- Shouted at Miss Chase! Oh, a Chairman shouldn’t shout, should he?
- No, he shouldn’t.
- Not even at Miss Chase!

Teaching-related info:

In this accent reduction video lesson you are ging to study:
basic fundamentals of pronunciation
1. Single-syllable phrase exercises
2. multiple-syllable phrase exercises
3. Common mistakes and confusions
4. Sound Comparison exercises
5. Simple Sentences
6. Complex Sentences + Compound Sentences
7. Sentence practice
8. Dialogs for practice
9. Phrasal Verbs pronunciation
10. Cockney Slang examples
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