DOTWEEN is the BEST Unity asset in the WORLD and I'll fight anybody who disagrees

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DOTween is the very first thing I install upon creating a new project. Animate your position, rotation and scale in a single line of code, with all the customization you could hope for... and that's only scratching the surface.


00:00 Stupid Intro
00:20 What is DOTween / Installing
02:00 DOTween basics
08:35 Sequences and Tasks
14:37 Additional features
17:55 DOVirtual - Tweening values
18:55 SpeedBased for reliable speed over distance
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If you were about to blast me for it and then saw this, you have to like this comment to apologize to me 💋


I love Dotween, BUT i personally think it lacks tutorials and things that only somebody more experienced would get any insights in... And it's not that Dotween is not user friendly, but the manual is a way too simple. So, if you want to make more tutos or even more straight examples like you did, i think it would be a great public service! =D

Also, is that a Tetris Block costume? lol


This video should be included with DOTween's documentation. I just purchased DOTween 2 days ago and trying to understand how it works is very difficult with their documentation. Thank you for this, it's exactly what I was looking for.


The other advantage to multiplying vs dividing is that you can't accidentally /0 and ending the universe.


5:25 Woah, I never knew it was more optimized/faster to use the * operation over /. I usually just use whatever is easiest to read and more simple, which I probably would recommend to anyone that has a simple application. But I will remember that for future, thank you!


just discovered this channel, "speedbased" tween is what i've been searching for a long time !


I love Dotween. It's usually the first thing I import into any project. It solves so many problems so easily. Being able to tween any value makes it damn useful. My first asset I paid for too, totally worth it!


DoTween has raw documentation, so videos like yours are invaluable. Thanks man, great examples :)
BTW please increase the font size or try zooming in, your code is barely visible when viewed on a notebook


I whole heartedly agree!!! I LOVE how all the tweens are awaitable as well!


Another legendary Tarodev tutorial has got me up and running in 2 minutes. Bless your shiney beard son.


Thanks for the video. It again shows the power of DOTween and is nice to see. I'd love to see some more advanced implementations of DOTween in either sequences or Async setups. So maybe a a Part 2 perhaps? Thanks.


DOT ween, or DO tween? (I pronounce DO tween - it really threw me off hearing DOT ween haha)


And you can do amazing things not dependent on Time.Scale, example while pausing your game, your UI still have animations ;)


God bless man, LeanTween wouldn't even load into my project, but I found a better alternative AND a great guide to go with it.
This is the second time you made something I benefitted from (First being the 2D platformer framework).


I don't check my subscriptions that often, but I usually find your videos on reddit, awesome stuff!


Great video. DOTween is my most critical tool on any game jam haha. My addition to this video would be: Kill VS Complete. You can Kill() a tween/sequence which has its corresponding onKill event. And the same goes for Complete() and onComplete. If you rely on something in an onComplete callback, this will not be called if the tween is killed. Just worth mentioning, since it also means you can add different behaviours by utilising both. Now I'm off to watch the async video :)


I touched very briefly on Dotween years back. This video makes it clear I need to dedicate more time to this library.


Super helpful, I've always been interested but I've hated the written tutorials. This is perfect!


This helped me immensely though a issue I had with Leentween with async functionality. It's so awesome that Dotween has it out of the box, very easy to use!!!
Thank you for this video, I got very lucky I accidently stumbled across it.


Thanks for the great intro to DOtween! One thing jumped out at me. Seems like ages since your last video, hope you're doing OK.

5:28 - I disagree with "always be optimised as possible". Instead I would say that's premature optimisation and recommend measuring, deciding a frame budget and then optimising the bottlenecks using profiling tools. Much better to write the code as simply as possible for the audience of the code - be it someone else or future you. The compiler performs optimations that might make all your optimisations pointless.

Your example is an excellent proof of my point. If the compiler detects that cycleLength is never changed it will make it a constant. Constant denominators are then anaylsed for their value and possibly converted to a multiplication. In this case, your denominator would be the integer 2, which is a bit shift operation! So if you did "/ 2" then it would be an order of magnitude faster than * 0.5!

Argument against division are not optimisation but parametric chaining and divide by 0 errors. For example it's easy to see what 0.5 * 0.25 * 0.1 might look like but that does *not* transform into "/ 2 / 4 / 10".
