A Rather Extreme Upgrade

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Today, we're one step closer to my ultimate goal of building the world's fastest G4 cube. But is it a step too far...


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#Apple #PowerPC #G4
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16:28 I think that's either a multilayer ceramic capacitor that shorted, or even more likely a ferrite inductor that saturated and overheated (L6 next to it should indicate an inductor!) You're trying to push more power through a PCB that wasn't designed for it and may need to find proper replacement components! If you can find a boardview fioe, it should be pretty trivial to figure out what component that was. If it's an inductor, I suggest upgrading it to one with a higher saturation current and seeing if it improves things. For projects like these, an IR camera to monitor component temperature during stress testing is a good investment ;)


The deadpan thermal paste application censorship gets me every time 😂


Wow, you literally upgraded it to death. That's a pretty good achievement! Here's hoping you can work a small miracle and bring it back to life so it can minecraft once more.


The finger placement over the "Fuckers Mint" sticker had me rolling!


"What do we have to lose? Just irreplaceable hardware..." *hesitates*

🤣 Love it! And all the vids.


You grew so much since last time you worked on that cube, from floating hands to full body!


i put a dual 1ghz into a quick silver. i bought a couple 7455A cpu's off ebay from china. they were like 6.00 each. the A variant has better voltage stability and easier to OC. i built a small external VRM off the 3.3v rail of a custom PSU for the system. balled the new cpu's onto the factory daughter card and got them to 1.63Ghz using a 155Mhz FSB overclock. i used a small CNC to mill a copper heatsink (cost me 30 bucks at my local steel yard for the scrap copper). i flashed a X800vivo into a X850XTPE for the system as well. it runs doom 3 at 50fps. i spent about 200.00 total including the factory dual 1.0 card i had to buy. minimal extra parts needed. took about 4 months to build


I love how Action Retro blurs the application of thermal compound to the CPUs!


You reminded me of Han Solo trying to open the door in Return of of the Jedi with the dip switches


I finally got a cube about a year ego. Upgraded it in a safe way should we say to avoid blowing up the VRM module. CPU speed remains stock at 450Mhz. I will maybe get a safe 500 something mhz card soon. Maxed out the RAM, fixed the belt on the DVD drive, put in a 7200RPM drive in it and upgraded the GPU for a Radeon 7500 32mb so that it will work with aluminium cinema displays. So pretty happy with it's performance now.


a recap will bring it back
the cool thing i love about power pc is that how well it scales with clock speed unlike x86


Somehow this reminded me of the old "Home Improvement" TV show when Tim offered Randy to add "More Power" to his old laptop with the 030 chip...😁


You pulled an Icarus ( many of us have including me ), but at least it's fixable!

I can't believe you were able squeeze over 1300 on the bench with dual G4. Fantastic work!


The fact that all this tinkering got this old Mac to run Minecraft at higher FPS than consoles over half a decade newer than it is wild.


This is such a badass build dude. Love the G4 cube. Never knew they had dual CPU upgrades ever. I always thought that only existed on the PowerMac G5 and one of the high end Mac clones.


You are very detailed and I am sometimes bored by the variety of details. I like the format and the knowledge of the subject matter, overall I really liked the episode.😍


This is exactly why I watch ActionRetro: ACTION! 🎉


Hi there.
I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your videos. I love what you do to these old machines and your enthusiasm.

Back in the day when Steve Jobs was sorting Apple out and they were producing (in my opinion) some of their best hardware, I was a massive Apple fan boy! 😅
Today I’m still loyal to Apple but the love for their products has died slightly as they become more mainstream.

But I still own my iMac G3 SE from way back, and it still runs, but due to space constraints it lives in the loft as there is no room for it in my retro room. However your videos make me want to get it down and play around with it again, maybe even explore some upgrades.
For the record my daily driver machine at home is my 27” iMac, while unsupported now with latest revisions of macOS, still serves me well. To be honest I do most of my computing on my iPad (like editing my YouTube videos using DaVinci Resolve) and iPhones (filming said videos). Technology has moved on so much.

Right, I’ll end here. Thanks for reading (if you made it this far) and keep up the good work. 😎👍


5:45 beautiful case screw refactoring; in your face jobs, a couple of screws strategically placed go a long way towards extreme modding


Thank you for protecting my virgin eyes by blurring the thermal paste application! 😂❤
