Excess deaths

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Excess deaths by week, 2023

Australia, weeks 1 – 34, 2023

14,710 (16.8%)

Covid deaths, 4,977

Australia, 2022, weeks 1 - 52

29,738 (18.7%)

Australia, excess deaths
2022 + 2023 = 44,448

Austria, week 1 – 44, 2023

4,444 (6.5%)

Canada, weeks 1 – 33, 2023

28,400 (16.7%)

Covid deaths, 4,613

Canada, 2022

61,468 (22.3%)

Canada, excess deaths
2022 + 2023 = 89,868

Denmark, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

3,052 (6.9%)

Covid deaths, 347

Denmark, 2022

5,871 (11%)

Denmark, excess deaths
2022 + 2023 = 8,923

Finland, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

4,627 (10.5%)

France, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

22,268 (4.9%)

Covid deaths, 5,565

France, 2022

71,751 (11.9%)

Germany, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

59,039 (7.7%)

Germany, 2022

134, 578 (14.9%)

Greece, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

5,132 (5.2%)

Iceland, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

209 (11.5%)

Covid deaths, 0

Iceland, 2022

446 (20.2%)

Israel, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

4,303 (11.8%)

Covid deaths, 640

Israel, 2022

7,050 (15.4%)

Italy, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

938 (0.28%)

Netherlands, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

14,209 (11.3%)

Netherlands, 2022

19,326 (13.2%)

New Zealand, weeks, 1 – 44, 2023

3,960 (14.5%)

New Zealand, 2022

5,787 (17.6%)

Norway, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

1,885 (5.7%)

Norway, 2022

4,980 (12.5%)

Portugal, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

5,184 (6.3%)

Spain, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

11,948 (3.7%)

Switzerland, 1 – 44, 2023

2,063 (3.9%)

UK, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

49,389 (9.44%)

Covid deaths, 18,591

UK, 2022

52,514 (9.26%)

UK excess deaths
2022 + 2023 = 101,903

Height of the Blitz, September 1940 to May 1941

UK civilian deaths, 40,000

Total civilian deaths for WW2, 70,000

US, weeks 1 – 37, 2023

155,763 (7.8%)

Covid deaths, 76,187

US, 2022

495,749 (17.53)

US excess deaths
2022 + 2023 = 651,512

Total US deaths in Vietnam war

The U.S. National Archives shows that 58,220 U.S. soldiers perished.

Hungary, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

-3,785 (-3.2%)

Poland, weeks 1 – 43, 2023

104 (0.13%)

Slovak republic, weeks 1 – 43, 2023

-774 (-1.54%)

Sweden, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

-529 (0.6%)

COVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. Get your copy in the UK here:

This dataset presents the latest data on All-cause death statistics

Excess mortality and COVID-19 deaths, by week, for all OECD countries for which data are available.

The expected number of deaths is based on the average number of deaths for the same week, (2015-19)

This baseline could be considered a lower estimate of the expected number of deaths since both population growth and an ageing population would be expected to push up the number of deaths observed each year.

For example, New Zealand saw its population grow by around 9% since 2015, with the number of people aged 65 and over increasing by 18%.
Рекомендации по теме

My MP (Laura Trott) is now completely ignoring me regarding excess deaths and the pandemic treaty. Thank god we have people like you and Andrew Bridgen. Thank you, Dr. John.


Stay strong Dr John.... you're doing amazing work. The state of our 'leadership' is shocking. They should all be removed from office.


It's almost impossible to comprehend, but nearly EVERY SINGLE minister is criminally complicit, by DELIBERATELY and BLATANTLY ignoring this!


A century ago, people were scared of ending up in the workhouses. Today, I’m afraid of going to the doctor or hospital.


I live in Canada and I can attest to the many “died suddenly” and “died unexpectedly” deaths recorded in our little local weekly paper. Almost every edition reports at least one death described as above and the age range tragically includes very young children (under a year), young adults and a smattering of young older individuals. We never hear a peep about these shocking statistics from the MSM and certainly not from our government. Thank you Dr. Campbell for being the voice crying out in the darkness.


Finally Dutch parlement starts the debat regarding the excess deaths. Godbless you John!


I remember the propaganda. 'If it saves one life, get the jab' yet here we have over 100, 000 excess deaths? It's criminal.


17 year old niece came down with hyper aggressive cancer, we were told to say our goodbyes. I consider that she didn't die to be a miracle.


Dr, John. I work with Andrew Bridgen. Both you and him are special people. The people are waking up, while the politicians are ignoring the facts. The people I talk to want answers, you and Andrew fill this space. Andrew gathered some of the most prominent Drs together in parliament on the 4th December. The politicians who were brave enough to attend the meeting were visibly shocked with the data presented. The truth hurts and we could visibly see their pain. We have a debate in Westminster hall early next year. Only 90 minutes, but it is a start. Please support Andrew and Dr. John, they care, unlike the majority of our politicians. Merry Christmas all.


I will never forget the absolute hatred non- vaccinators received. That is terrifying, and to know this is going to happen again.


Those MPs not attending debates on this subject, and those walking out, should be dismissed from their constituencies immediately!


John, I lost my brother to cancer on 23 December. He was diagnosed on 24 October. Can we say 'turbo-cancer'? The really frightening thing is that everyone I know knows someone dying from cancer!!?? Something is very wrong.
Thank you for all your hard work.


Dear Dr Campbell, we are going through the same here in Germany, no one in MSM is getting even close to telling the truth about these excess deaths, I appreciate you bringing this crime against humanity into the light! Thank you, God bless you!❤We will never forget!


64, 000 views with 11K likes in less than 3 hours. You are being heard more and more with every video, Dr. Campbell. You are making a difference. Please keep on putting out the data.


Take solace Dr. John, you are not alone in exposing this malfeasance. There are many out here who support your stirling efforts to establish the truth in this matter. Thank You, Sir.


Thank you for speaking out. I have been a reader for 50 years, and was not aware of this information.
We need to break up the media monopoly.


Dr. Campbell you are a National Treasure. God bless and keep you safe.


My son is 19. In the last two weeks, two of his friends lost their fathers overnight, to sudden cardiac death. They appeared fit and healthy. Two months ago, my cousin's 43 yr old husband had a heart attack but survived. In November a close friend remarked that 4 of his friends in their 40s and 50s had had heart attacks/ cardiac issues. Of those, 3 had died!! My best friend came over last week and told me her husband's best friend (in his 60s but still, fit and healthy and not old) died a sudden cardiac death whilst mowing the lawn.

It seems to be ramping up. Apart from myself, husband and son, everyone i know including siblings, cousins, friends...they all took the injections but thankfully all have been okay so far (with the exception of two of my cousins who now have heart problem and high b p; they're sisters).

All very worrying.


My Dad died alone, in a nursing home, in April 2020. I had not been permitted to visit him since February, and when I finally got the call to come the 3 miles to him he was already far away.
It only takes two seconds thinking of his lonely end for the tears to come. If I want to function in the world this means I HAVE TO AVOID THINKING OF MY DAD.
Truly the damage extends far beyond what happened to my quiet, cheerful old Dad.
I will never forgive them.


Many many thanks Dr Campbell, it's shocking, your excellent work and honesty, A hero in my book.
