Catholic Prayers For Protection and Deliverance

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Catholic prayers for protection and deliverance again evil spirits. These prayers call upon the protection from Jesus Christ by means of the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our guardian angles, and the Archangels Sts. Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel for the deliverance of our brothers and sisters who are enslaved by the evil one.

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Some of the prayers for protection and deliverance are below:

Prayer to St. Joseph Terror of Demons
Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons, cast your solemn gaze upon the devil and all his minions, and protect us with your mighty staff. You fled through the night to avoid the devil's wicked designs; now with the power of God, smite the demons as they flee from you!
Grant special protection, we pray, for children, fathers, MOTHERS, families and the dying. By God's grace, no demon dares approach while you are near, so we beg of you, always be near to us!

Prayer to Mary for Liberation by St. Pius X
August Queen of Heaven, sovereign Queen of Angels, you who at the beginning received from God the power and the mission to crush the head of Satan, we humbly beseech you, send your heavenly legions so that on your orders and by your powers they will track down demons, fight them everywhere, curb their audacity, and plunge them into the abyss. O divine Mother, send us your angels and archangels to defend us, to watch over us. Holy angels and archangels, defend us, protect us. Amen.

Perimeter of protection prayer (pray against evil)
Lord Jesus Christ, in thy love and mercy establish a perimeter of protection around us.  May the Holy Angels guard all our possessions, establishing a perimeter of protection around ourselves, rendering us immune from any kind of demonic influence. We ask that no demonic bondage, door, demonic entity, portal, astral projection or disembodied spirit may enter the space of 100 yards in all directions of us. Jesus stop any demons within this vicinity or any that should try to enter here be rendered deaf, dumb, and blind; that Thou would strip them of all weapons, armor, power, illusions, and authority; that Thou would bind, rebuke and disable them from communicating or interacting with each other in any way. Remove them, sending them directly to the foot of Thy Cross. Jesus, Son of the Most High, I ask this in Thy Glorious and Most Holy Name. Amen.

Prayer Against Retaliation
Lord Jesus Christ, in your love and mercy, pour Your Precious Blood over us so that no demon or disembodied spirit may retaliate against those of us who have said these prayers. Mary, surround us with your mantle, blocking any retaliating spirits from having any authority over us. St. Michael, surround us with your shield, so that no evil spirit may take revenge on us. Queen of Heaven and St. Michael, send down the legions of angels under your command to fight off any spirits that would seek to do us harm. All you saints of heaven, impede any retaliating spirit from influencing us. Lord, You are the Just Judge, the avenger of the wicked, the Advocate of the Just, we beg in Your mercy, that all we ask of Mary, the angels and the saints of heaven be also granted to all our loved ones, all of our possessions, those who pray these prayers, and their loved ones, that for Your Glory’s sake, we may enjoy Your perfect protection.  Amen.

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OK, so I want to share what just happened to me while praying these prayers. I normally kneel in my bed room and pray. Today it is so beautiful outside I decided to sit on the swing and pray. There is an owing over my swing. As I was praying and concentrating on these prayers the second to last prayer. A 2 birds flew right over my head so close I thought it was going to attack me. I feel like that is a sign these prayers are powerful. I think someone was trying to distract me from praying them.thank you so much for putting these prayers on line. I have been praying these prayers for about 3 weeks. Two days a go I have seen changes in my grandchildren, and My son and Daughter for the better. Prayers answered. Praise be to God and His Holy name! May God bless you and your family and your holy garden angels 😇. Thank you so much for this video.


To anyone who prays, please pray for my brother to be set free from the abusive, controlling relationship that he is in, please, thank you


We pray that everyone saying this beautiful pray receive miracle. Praying that God hears our prayers Amen💞💞💞


Protect the unborn children from evil Doctors


I ask you Lord to deliver my cousins, from drug addiction and all other bad habits that they are into. Amen


I was involved in the occult for many years, and this channel has helped me immensely since I decided to come to Jesus. I listen to these prayers daily. Thank you for your service!


I can’t believe this doesn’t have 1 million + views !!! This is so powerful


Heavenly Father, I pray for everyone in this world. We are in trouble. We desperately need forgiveness and mercy. I thank this prayer for being said. Lord, I pray in Jesus's name. Amen. ❤


Lord please help me pray deliverance from all evil cover everyone in the powerful blood of Jesus Christ so no weapon formed against us shall prosper in Jesus name I pray amen ❤


I found this prayer this morning and since then I have been playing this over and over. I gonna play it every day cuz I know this is a powerful prayer. And I'm proud to be a Catholic. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for my family and my 2 sons Kevin and Andre that they may return to Catholic faith 🙏❤


What a beautiful prayer! I said this prayer with my brother Joseph in my heart. He is troubled by satanic demonic inhabitation which is torturing his life and making him want to end his life. He said it is the demon of the Church of Synagogue of the late Pastor TB Joshua. My brother was an ardent church member and now refused to attend the church again and since then the demons have been terrorizing him. Please help me pray for my brother's deliverance and further protection from the powers of darkness. May the Lord Jesus heal my brother Joseph and every one else under the bondages of satanic and occultic powers in the mighty holy Name of JESUS CHRIST! Amen!


This is my first time here and today is my birthday (71!) I consider these prayers and this site to be a birthday gift from the Lord. Thank you ❤




Please pray for my nephew-Shane …addicted, homeless … so in need of God’s Divine Intervention…. Holy Spirit invade his mind, open his eyes and ears, dwell in his heart and soul ….touch him, have mercy on him, lead him out ..lead him to Your help …Jesus, I trust You


Lord Jesus christ, deliver me and my children and grandchildren through this prayer medium from every spirit of negativity, failure at the verge of success, rejection and disfavour in the mighty Name of Jesus christ 🙏


Yesterday my son couldn’t sleep because he said that he has nightmares this is the first time he’s said this. He said he felt an evil image watching him. I put oil holy water and saint Benedict medal and a crucifix. He felt better. So I prayer that my son will be protect from evil in Jesus name Amen!


Holy Mother Mary protect us and our world from evil powers to destroy our land our Country children and grandchildren Amen


I have a 45 minute drive to work. For the past two months, i hear this prayer and my work, my attitude and my coworkers contribute to my day in the form of blessings. Thank you for the prayers and thank you Jesus for your love, your grace, your mercy and favor. AMEN.


Please Lord ..release the chains and afflictions of drug addiction and mental health issues of my dear adult son ..He is a good man ..Please heal him with your Precious Blood and release his afflictions...heal him of Body, Mind and Spirit .so he may praise you forever ..please do not let him be lost 😢Amen


Please pray for my sister Carmel, she gets spiritual attacks constantly because she is so devoted to God and Our Lady. Thank you and God bless everyone from all evil, Amen 🙏🙏🙏
