How Tobii Dynavox eye tracking works

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A short video that explains the basics of how Tobii Dynavox eye tracking works and what makes our technology different from others.
As a concept, eye tracking is a rather straight forward process.
- The eye tracker sends out near infrared light
- The light is reflected in your eyes
- Those reflections are picked up by the eye tracker’s cameras
- Through filtering and calculations the eye tracker knows where you are looking
As simple as the concept may be, an enormous amount of research and development has gone into Tobii Dynavox eye trackers to make them work in a simple and unobtrusive way.
As a concept, eye tracking is a rather straight forward process.
- The eye tracker sends out near infrared light
- The light is reflected in your eyes
- Those reflections are picked up by the eye tracker’s cameras
- Through filtering and calculations the eye tracker knows where you are looking
As simple as the concept may be, an enormous amount of research and development has gone into Tobii Dynavox eye trackers to make them work in a simple and unobtrusive way.
How Tobii Dynavox eye tracking works
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