TURBO WINS - X's Lament (Wreck-It Ralph Bad Ending)

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Anyways! Have u ever wondered what'd happen if everyone in Wreck-It Ralph COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FAILED? Well good news! Now you can enjoy this very grim and upsetting hypothetical in dramatic amv form 🌈 [Also don't reupload uncredited to other platforms ok thanks yayy]

This was a collab with my buddy Ky originally planned to release on Halloween of 2024 (LMAOOO) We finished it in January but haven't posted it here until now. He drew everything, and I edited everything. once again I did not draw anything 😁

I still think mister tastic needs to live up to the creepypasta hype given he was Born in 2012. I think it's just his natural evolution after becoming the worst tumblr sexyman.

Art in thumbnail by Qephyr aka Ky

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Just so u guys know, uploading different projects doesn't mean I'm done with longform vids/ essays, Just something extra for fun ❤
Also remember to be respectful when commenting because he is watching : )


The best part of this AU is that it means Ralph Breaks the Internet doesn't happen.


This parrot is single-handedly carrying Wreck-it Ralph fandom at this point, and I could not be happier about it


i love the fact that turbo canonically checks off every box to be a creepypasta character.


Litwak ain’t ever gonna financially recover from this bro 💔😭😭


The bird will forever be haunted by turbo


It’s kinda funny how fitting Turbo could really be as an EXE in the right context like this. A virus that was born from jealousy and pride hijacking another game which leads to many 1-ups lost and an entire arcade to be shut down (and probably a very depressed arcade owner) just sounds like good Creepypasta material and this captures that perfectly!

And plus I could never say no to more Turbo TURBOTASTIC! TURBOTASTIC! TURBOTAST-


imagine Turbo gets in this position but loses it all when he enters Hero's Duty and the beacon is on


Something interesting I noticed is that at 0:29 we see two ghostly Turbos. Except, when you really look at them, you notice neither of them have the T on their helmet. Say, did we ever learn much about what happened with those two blue racers from Turbo's game? Whose to say they might not be faintly around, maybe a ghost of their code from the once popular game they inhabited that was unplugged from pure jealousy? (I'm looking WAY too deep into this)


The fact that the cybugs faces already resemble skulls, and Turbos face actually being an entire SKULL showing the damage the Coca Cola hot springs has done(Forgot the name) is actually pretty scary not gonna lie. Like, Turbo is the face of Death.
Also when Felix is looking back at the Turbo spray paint, the pupils on the faces looking at Felix One. At. A. Time. Also the subtitles changing colors each time I think to show who’s speaking is actually crazy like red/white-both red-King Candy, white-Turbo And the twins in the beginning is sad actually showing they either perished after the events of Turbo, or after he revived again. 0:54 at this time, we can observe that Vanellope is holding her staff in the middle, like to SHOW that she’s kinda like an angel? Or to show that she has nothing to hide. 0:59 But for King Candy, he’s putting the staff to the side, like he trying to keep whatever he’s hiding a secret, and we see he’s more angry Without his eyes and merely replaced with his eyebrows, unlike Venollope who has her eyes closed and is smiling down amongst HER people. Another thing that I wanna say is that towards the end we can see Turbo looking at how the new games are installed and NOT King Candy, my theory is that Turbo is kinda…forgotten and now lost. See, because of Turbo and his need, his GREED for MORE ATTENTION and to be number 1, Turbo single handily DESTROYED the world that already had rules set/or the arcade. Now why would I say just Turbo and not also King Candy they’re technically the same person…right? Well yes and no. See my theory is that after so many years as this new persona, this new Person They became two separate people stuck in ONE body. Because yes, while Turbo was the one who accidentally(maybe) stopped roadbusters from being played in the first game and took over sugar rush. He accidentally created another code that would be able to create Candy King as a playable character. And after so many years passing and him not being able to change back to his original form, King Candy started from a small code to soon a bigger code and entirely different person similar to Turbo except 2 times more worse.(No this doesn’t excuse Turbos actions and nor am I justifying them) so why am I talking about this? Well because at the end of the video we see just turbo at the end with his back turned to us and not his face, like…a sign of regret. Like now after destroying his “old” world, he’s become irrelevant now only a mere dust on the fan. this of course could be to manipulating us to feel sympathy for him but, during the last seconds of the video, we see Turbo turning becoming King Candy, as he smiles at us and not Turbo like in the movie during his glitching moments. Like HES now the one in control and his greed mixed with attention is now also for POWER like…attention isn’t enough for him anymore. He needs CONTROL and POWER over ANYTHING that’s existing in that arcade that he was basically born in. I forgot to add this, the glass painting of King Candy also makes him look like he’ll hurt anyone who dares to either question his authority or who dares to try and steal his kingdom, while Vanellope looks more confident and more angelic already knowing that no one is going to steal her kingdom or even question if she’s a good ruler.
But hey I’m probably just being to observant. Bye now Meow Woof
Another one, with the window again I know, It looks like Venollopes was made with more love and care and how there’s more candy and sweetness while also being fun and silly like there’s no perfection to it to match the theme of the game, while King Candys is more crimson and barley anything is there when it comes to candy and sugar with there being only a candy cane that seems to be on going in a loop and anywhere you look on the window seems to just be circular while also the design has crowns and royalty written all over it, like to make sure that YOU know who’s the ruler and who’s number one in this world. Which would match Turbos racing game since all you did was go in one on going circle and try to beat the other two Npcs. And I searched what pantomime ment and it’s to act using both body language and hand gestures over the top, and we see king Candy throwing over candy, which is when we’re intro introduced to King Candy which he is indeed OVER THE TOP with his bodies movement and his hands are just everywhere. Shoot, okay I noticed the subtitles started to change more into red when Turbo sees the children start to go at the Road Blasters game… Chat I’m cooked with this one


My jaw dropped so bad when I saw Vanellope's kart being crushed into the pillar-


It's quite interesting to think about that if Turbo/King Candy did win, he doesn't really. Yeah, he takes over the rest of the arcade, but people would just end up disliking the "broken" games so Litwak's gets no business and no business means no money and no money means no upkeep and thus Litwak's closes and Turbo is once more abandoned by the pressure players and their adoration that he craved so much. Just like how Road Blasters AND Turbo Time were shut down, Turbo continues to be unable to look at the bigger picture beyond instant gratification, and his ambition only causes worse outcomes than what he began with, outcomes he can't run from no matter how hard he tries.

This video was so good! Never stop obsessing over Turbo, my friend; your obsession is fueling mine, and all you make is incredible. Big love to your friend as well, Ky, he did a FANTASTIC job


if turbo was still alive, he could simply play it safe for some time and then when the wi-fi gets added, shit WILL happen


I like it when these "my dark fucked up little mind" things have effort put into them


The thing is, this Sugar Rush was the only game to have King Candy, there is no other version that exists that has this character, no rom that has this character, not even the creator knows of such a character. This Sugar Rush arcade game is the ONLY game to have King Candy exist. This is the definition of a real creepypasta.


I could imagine Turbo taunting Calhoun as one of the last survivors of the outbreak. Possibly after Felix trying (and failing) to protect her. Gripping her going "I really have to thank you! Without your game and those Cybugs. I could of never taken over the arcade so easily! Let it be known that this was ALL YOUR FAULT." Breaking the will left to fight in her before eventually biting it with the rest of the Arcade.


That scene with Vanellope’s kart broken and Ralph’s medal is heartbreaking and dark, our main characters we love, died by greed because of a selfish man. Felix and Calhoun might die with the arcade.


skeleton cybug-turbo at 1:55 goes *so* unfathomably hard


this video rlly puts into perspective just how hard x's lament goes as a villain song


My fav thing about this is that it doesn't go too overboard with how dark it is. like it could have shown Ralphs and vanellope's bodies but that might have been too much, it would possibly border to being cringe and edgy. but subtly showing it with vanellope's car crashed against the pillar and Ralphs hero medal vanellope made for him broken on the floor is all you need to know of their fates, giving you just the right amount of disturbing.
