How Chicago Teachers Are Using Social-Emotional Learning In The Classroom

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#Chicago #Teachers #Schools

How Chicago Teachers Are Using Social-Emotional Learning In The Classroom
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Social-emotional learning teaches students how to manage their emotions, how to make good decisions, how to collaborate and how to understand themselves and others better.
It has existed under different names across the decades: character education, 21st century skills, noncognitive skills. In the adult world, they're often called soft skills.
Social-emotional learning can be broken down into five areas: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.
One of the great ironies of the backlash around teaching morality or values in American education through social-emotional learning today is that American schools have always been about teaching values and character.
And for much of American history, that focus has been on pretty conservative values.


This sounds like pushjng parenting on to the teacher, and also turning the teacher into a psychologist.


My son is on there he goes to that school


Nosy teacher, I wouldn't want to tell you what's going on my life.


This underscores failed parenting and morals in america. Insanity.


The fact that America has this patchwork kind of academic curriculum instead of one core curriculum nation wide is INSANE. You should Google videos of education in Scandinavia. ALL children get the same education fro from the President's child to an illegal migrant's child. America is very behind and disjointed not one country. "It's a good time to be a little kid in America?" Savannah Guthrie said🙄 I guess Tamir Rice and Trayvon Martin didn't get that memo🙄


Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has highly effective, evidence-based Kindness in the Classroom Social Emotional Learning free curriculum approved by Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) for K1 to high school and kindness resources in workplace.
