The Cyber Soldiers and the Rebirth | Episode 1: The Invisible Strikes

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"There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever."
— Thomas A. Edison

It's about time!
Happy New Year. This time, we will play things a little differently. Ready for a thriller? A military thriller?

In a top-secret location deep in the Ural Mountains, The Russian President and Lorenz Ridel has built his nation's most dangerous weapon since the atomic bomb-a fearsome tool to gain superiority in Russia's long-running battle with the West. From inside Perun Aerie - an intricate network of underground tunnels and chambers that is the heart of the Russian cyber warfare program-he is launching a carefully plotted series of attacks on an unsuspecting U.S. and its European allies.

It will soon be time for the Taranis group kick into gear, arming themselves with the most advanced technological weaponry for the epic struggle ahead. A patriot in the mold of his mentor, the late Aisling Lotus, Wedgetail knows firsthand the price of freedom.

With the world's fate hanging in the balance, will Taranis succeed in turning back Petrov before he can realize his terrifying ambition to conquer the globe? And what will the toll of victory be?

Many thanks to Sam, Jamie and Natalie.
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Shout out to the small town of Silistea-Gumesti!

Dale Brown featured your small airport in his novel "Price of Duty." That inspired me to do the same! Yours was portrayed by my friend's backyard in Bushland Beach here in Queensland, Australia. I tried so hard to find footage of the place after exploring it on Google Earth.

Romania is beautiful place to explore indeed!
