Tek mahkum sen değilsin! | Emanet 430. Bölüm

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Emanet dizisi son bölümünde; Yaman, kapalı alanda durmakta zorlayan Nana’ya Yaman’dan sert tepki…

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Emanet 430. Bölüm Özeti
Nana’nın varlığından rahatsız olan Aynur, sınır dışı edilmesi için harekete geçer. Nana’nın tüm evraklarını yok eder. Polisler eve geldiğinde ise Nana nezarethaneye atılır. Yusuf için Nana’ya katlanmak zorunda kalan Yaman ise onu kurtarır. Konağa geri dönen Nana ise intikamını almak için yeni bir plan hazırlığı içine girer…

Emanet Dizisi Oyuncuları
Halil İbrahim Ceyhan
Nana Stambolishvili
Berat Rüzgar Özkan
Melih Özkaya
İpek Arkan
Sevda Karabulut
Ferda Işıl
Hülya Aydın
Ömer Gecü
Burhan Ökmen
Binnaz Ekren
Oğuz Yağcı
Zeynep Naz Eyüboğlu
Mehmet Ali Aslan
Özge Ağyar
Volkan Yıldırım
Erman Ersoy
Merdan Kardan
Seda Dadaşova

Yönetmenler: Ayhan Özen, Serkan Mut
Hikaye: Nazmiye Yılmaz
Yapım: Karamel
Müzik: Minör

Рекомендации по теме

Yaman with stern face telling Nana to behave bravely is marvellous. 🙂❤


Nana is having a hard time breathing and she’s pacing around and yaman reactions, he told her to sit down. I love how he gets upset when she doesn’t speak Turkish. I love how yaman looks over at her.


Nana no habla en turco no queriendo jajaja el pobre Yaman veo la❤️😍serie por Halil me encanta como actor 👏👏👏👏👏👏🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦😍


I am lost in the gaze of Yaman…how can be his expression so Impressive ?


When Nana was complaining Yaman about how much she was suffocating in the cell, Yaman, the way he convinced Nana with his superb explanation about how many people were suffering due to the presence of dungeon in their minds and about her qualities based on which, he had entrusted Yaman to her. Yaman really left a great impact on Nana's mind so much that she kept quiet and sat down on the bench!!


First time, Yaman openly talked about the merits of Nana in a subtle way! 😍😍👏👏


Yaman is comforting nana in his own way, and that’s raising his voice but he says things that show he cares but doesn’t want to admit it. He always getting mad when she doesn’t speak Turkish it’s funny because he wants to know what she’s saying.


YamNan forever la pareja perfecta de Emanet únicos inigualables 👍 💯 🇬🇪 🇹🇷 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


"the air is thin as a piece of glass. it's invisible and yet it's broken. it's unreachable while it's lost. i can't breathe and I can't live and yet I'm here." - MayaMary

Nana is herself trying to overcome this hard time. She tries to breathe, to be strong, to be confident but she can't.

She's lost in her own fear of that's there is nothing which can pull her out.
Yaman sees her, feels the words she describes him and yet can't to that much.

He learned to know her even with his doubts that he reminds her about the strong Nana she truly is. And for the first time Yaman talks to Nana about herself, not as a boss, not as a friend but as someone who actually wants to help her even with his angry attitude.

And it helped and pulled Nana out of the loss darkens she was in. She heard and realized what Yaman saw in her, a strong and confident woman, a warrior who's willing to do everything for Yusuf. Yaman helped her even though she didn't want to. Ya man hold her hand even though she doesn't like.

Nana learned to breathe again and even remind herself who
She truly is.

Both Nana and Yaman go through a hard time which allows them to walk on the world but can't move. To live but can't breathe. They are the warrior on earth which learned to keep walking without stopping.

NanYam ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


How will Yaman & Ali came to know both are brothers?How many seasons does it takes


La verdad es que Yaman le falta un poquito dw paciencia y buenos modales🤨( es tan bello como insoportable )😊


Pobre nanuka regañada en medio de su claustrofobia


Yaman aunque nonlo parezca logro calmar la Nana en su claustrofobia. Le dijo las palabras. Adecuedas, sencillas, duras lo que ella es, lo fuerte que es, y lo mas importante y que sera el comodin de ambos el amor a Yusuf.
Bravo Yaman !


¡VUELVE A TU PAÍS! NO ERES EL ÚNICO PRISIONERO – Yaman observa que Nana esta ansiosa en la celda. Nana piensa: “casi ha pasado una hora. Van a llegar tarde. Mi destino esta en manos de ese asesin0.” Nana lo mira y Yaman cambia la vista. Nana sigue caminando y Yaman le dice que se siente, Nana lo mira. Yaman; te vas a marear y vamos a tener que lidiar con eso si no te detienes. Nana molesta habla en georgiano: ¡siéntate! ¡Levántate! ¡Habla! ¡Cállate! ¿Soy tu soldada? Yaman; ¿qué estás diciendo? ¡Habla turco! Nana se sienta y dice: no estoy diciendo nada, dije que me sentaría para no marearme. Nana padece de claustrofobia y dice; ¿este lugar se está volviendo más pequeño? ¿No sientes que las paredes también se están cerrando sobre ti? Nana: mira, estoy como respirando de nuevo. Este es un espacio cerrado. Aquí no hay aire. Yaman la mira.

Nana se pone de pie y dice: si tan solo hubiera una ventana. Si tan solo pudiera ver el cielo. Yaman le grita: cállate. No hables y respira profundo. Entonces no te quejaras de que te estas ahogando. Nana lo mira y le dice: siéntate y cállate. Toma un respiro. Aguanta la respiración. Quizás si dejas de dar órdenes… no me gusta que me obliguen. No me gusta. Si esto estuviera abierto. Mira, si supiera que puedo irme cuando quiera… no sería tan malo entonces. Yaman la mira. Nana: me sentaría tranquilamente. Tal vez tú puedes quedarte aquí por dos días, pero yo no puedo hacerlo. Por eso no m entiendes. No sabes lo que es estar sin aliento. No sabes. Yaman se pone de pie y se acerca y Nana da un paso atrás dentro de la celda.

Yaman le dice: deja de quejarte. Se miran. Yaman; la mazmorra no es solo a puerta cerrada o tras las rejas. La mayor parte del tiempo, la mazmorra está dentro de la propia cabeza. Así que no eres la única prisionera. Nana lo mira. Yaman; te encomendé a mi sobrino, mi mas preciado, porque eres fuerte y valiente. Porque peleaste con tu vida para protegerlo. No puedes actuar derrotada y cobarde. Si no eres luchadora, no hay necesidad de que te quedes con él. Puedes volver a tu país. Nana pensativa. Yaman; voy a hablar con ellos para que no se molesten con los documentos. Nana callada se sienta…

Hay Yaman que salvaje; le quitas el miedo a la Nana a tu manera; 🤣🤣 pero lo que dice el también: está en prisión y es por la muerte de su difunta esposa


Bir zamanlar Seherinde o sandalyede oturup Yamanı beklemesi peki


We are watching amanat only for yaman his marvelous acting


Yaman will be like
U are not the only prisoner
I and yusuf s teyze also visted this place many times😂


Who wouldn't want to be in prison if Halil would be guarding and comforting you?


Yaman ve a Nana como diciendo esta mujer está loca


Todos os canais hoje que divulgam a serie estão com baixo desempenho .
Houve pouco interesse pelos episódios.
