AI/MLPen | Certified AI/ML Pentester | TheSecOps Certificate

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The Certified AI/ML Pentester (C-AI/MLPen) is an intermediate-level exam, designed to test a candidate’s knowledge of the core concepts involving AI/ML security. This 4-hour, fully practical exam covers key topics like OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities, prompt injection attacks, and supply chain vulnerabilities, allowing the use of any hacking tools and the internet to mimic real-world pen test scenarios.
Why Take the C-AI/MLPen Exam?
· Intense, hands-on exam designed for AI/ML security enthusiasts
· Real-world pen testing scenarios with no need for report submissions
· Instant score and pass/fail certificates upon completion
· Online, on-demand availability with one free retake
· Industry-recognized, affordable certification
· Rare and extraordinary exam
Additional Resources:
· Full exam syllabus available on the C-AIL/MLPen exam page
· Independent resources listed for exam preparation
Prepare with our free mock exams and resources listed on the C-AI/MLPen exam page. Register now to boost your career!
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