RabbitMQ- Tutorial 14a - Request Response Pattern Implementation in Python

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In this video we will dive into the implementation of the request reply pattern using RabbitMQ, Python and the Pika client. In the previous video (14) we learnt about the request reply pattern, how to use it and when we might want to use it. Here we will take what we learnt in that video and implement it using Python.

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RabbitMQ is the most widely deployed open source message broker. A message broker is an intermediary computer program module that translates a message from the formal messaging protocol of the sender to the formal messaging protocol of the receiver.

Using RabbitMQ allows us to create a highly decoupled micro services system easily. It can be deployed on many clouds as well as on premise. It comes with many interesting features and is even extendable by the use of plugins.

Check out our Azure Service Fabric Tutorial for developing highly reliable distributed applications:

Check out our Cassandra Tutorial for a distributed and highly available solution for your applications:

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Man, I couldn't appreciate your Python/C# rabbitmq videos any more! Thank you so much for these great tutorials! Extremely helpful!


Great tutorials. Thank you. I am wondering if it is flexible to simulate the situation that client keep sending requests to the server and also keep receiving replies from the server?
