Live ZOOMchat! - ZOOM Into Action

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Join a whole new group of cast members from both the 70s and 90s versions of ZOOM this Friday, April 24, as WGBH hosts a second live ZOOMchat right here on YouTube. Pablo, Tommy, Caroline, Donna, Eric and Elena will talk about life after the show, their favorite 0-2-1-3-4 memories and what bringing ZOOM back in 2020 would actually look like.

The ZOOMers will be taking Q's and comments from fans throughout the conversation so we hope you'll join us this Friday night at 7pm ET!
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ZOOM needs to be revived for a new generation of kids with Pablo as an executive producer. I think it would be great for the new generation to get introduced to ZOOM by sending in new ideas for new science activities, games, cooking, crafting. Plus a new cast of seven kids.


Just hearing Pablo mentioning Jared makes me tear up. You can tell they were good friends. Jared is my all my favorite and I'm sure he's looking down and wishing he could have been part of this and I'm sure he have a lot to say. RIP Jared and to all the people we lost. :(


Ahh man I remember Pablo, Caroline and Elena! I’d love to see something like this again with Zoe, Kenny, Lynese, Keiko and Alisa.


Ah man, Jared was one of the most entertaining ZOOMers growing up. R.I.P.


Zoom is one show that can be revived. It was a diverse show that represented everyone and has a variety of activities. This was great because it gave kids positive things to do. unlocking all the good amazing things of life. Each season having a new set of kids spreads the good energy. This should really be considered.


I had a crush on Caroline. So cool to see her all grown up. Still cute. Love from Canada.


I am a watcher from the original Zoom series. It was my favorite show as a kid and as an only child who was a little lonely, this show was like having extra friends who were my age. This series has made me so happy.


RIP Jared, always in our hearts, loved this show.


I had the biggest kid crush on Caroline and thought I was the only one. Nowadays, I realize I was far from the only one lol. Thanks to everyone that was on zoom. As a young boy living in Boston, I could never get enough Zoom! I would watch in the morning before school and sometimes when I got home from school I’d catch another ep in the afternoon.


Wow, watching this video made me tear up 😢. ZOOM was one of my favorite shows when I was little. Hope this generation can experience a show like ZOOM 😊.


Caroline! Im geeking out!
I had a huge crush on Caroline!


Dang you can tell Pablo was choking up just at the thought of mentioning Jared’s name. 🙏


I won’t stop watching these zoom into action live chats. I wish they could’ve done a third live chat with Pablo, Estuardo, Alisa, Maya, Leon, and Maura.


I remember as a three year old watching Zoom in 1975 in my grandparents apartment in Astoria, Queens in New York City and loving it as a child and watching all their shows especially the sit on the balloon pop contest and my neighbors next door also watch Zoom and they played a lot with me and my brother. Twenty four years later I watch the new version of Zoom in the spring of 1999 and I got hooked on it as a grown up 27 year old man living in Hialeah, Florida before moving to NYC but moved backed to the Sunshine state and still watching Pablo and the whole group of kids in seasons 1, 2, 3, and up to 2006. Great show! Now I am 48 years old!


For those of you who don't know, Jared has been dead since 2006. Idk about you all, but I think he'd be very proud to see this.


I’m so happy that Elena is in this chat! She was my favorite Zoomer❤️


I've only met one Zoomer-she shops where I work in the Boston area. It took me around 3-4 YEARS to get the courage to ask her if she was indeed on Zoom, cuz like what if I was wrong? And it's not a question you ask everyday. lol
Loved everything on the show, especially the Zoom Rap, Zoom Do and the recipes. I mailed a request (with my SASE) for the recipe for stained glass cookies. I was so excited when I received it. I burned them lol but it was fun.

I grew up with the 70's Zoom. My favorite Zoomer was Nancy. I also liked Edith. She was soft-spoken like me.
When I checked out the 90's show, my favorite was Caroline. I always wanted to be confident, adorable, and outgoing like her. 😊


I was Born in 1994 and this was my childhood hood show. I definitely remember watching it In 1999-2006. The very first show I remember was with Pablo Zoe etc. Caroline was always coming back and I loved that she was one of the best zoomers. Kyle and Kenny my other favorites. But 2003-2006 was the best zoom years. The best shows were on TV arthur, clifford cyberchase zoom just to name a few. I'd love for this to come back. I wanna see it how it was before. Kids doing experiments and reading mail from other kids. But I'd guess it would be emails now but keeping up with technology isn't always the answer! I hope this show comes back. So happy to see original cast members come back!


Somebody's got to make sure kids see that the power of their ideas is much more important than the intensity or appeal of the way they present them, and nobody's going to do that.


This was a hoot. The play of the week video was as hilarious nearly 50 years later as the original. Everybody still had their timing!
