Marco Rubio’s Donors Reveal His Support of a Different Agenda

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With the recent revelation that Senator Marco Rubio has been receiving, and is actively soliciting, funds from billionaires with vastly different agendas from those voters who elected him in 2010, many are questioning how he would act if he were elected president.

With the departure of Scott Walker from the Republican cast of candidates seeking their party’s nomination, and with the virtual disappearance of a presence in the polls by establishment candidate Jeb Bush, it was no surprise that Rubio’s star began its ascendancy. As Paul Singer, one of Rubio’s wealthy donors, wrote, Rubio “is the best explainer of conservatism in public life today.… In a field full of promise … Senator Rubio is the strongest choice.”

Rubio responded in kind, saying that he was “grateful” for Singer’s financial support to his campaign because Singer “is someone who’s successful in raising money.”

Indeed he is. Singer, a Harvard Law School grad and hedge fund manager, has accumulated enough wealth to put him firmly on Forbes’ list of 400 richest Americans, with personal wealth estimated to be in excess of $2 billion. Having signed The Giving Pledge, Singer has committed to giving away half of his wealth in support of causes that address society’s “most difficult moral and economic challenges.” According to his moral worldview, part of his money supports the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund, with another part helping to fund the American Opportunity Alliance, a group that supports, among other things, “immigration reform.”
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