UK Roadtrip! // Driving through southwest England and Wales

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This is the second installment in my UK vlog from my recent trip with my mom. This video covers our roadtrip! We drove from West Sussex to Devon, Cornwall, Herefordshire, Wales, and the Cotswolds, stopping at many cute towns and stately homes and castles on the way. It was a wonderful trip, and I hope you enjoy the video!

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That dress in the first castle is amazing. I would love to see you make it. It look like so much fun. I would love to take a trip like this with my daughter(s).


Thank you again for sharing your journey with us. I’ve never been to England, and very much appreciated the sights you shred with us. I wanted to pause at every location. And make comments, everything was so awesome! The Gothic revival home and the last castle were my two favorites, but gosh, so many lovely scenes. ❤


So glad you enjoyed England and Wales....St Ives we honeymooned at and loved it. think you met the same seagull I did! Bourton on the Water is lovely too. So glad the weather was very fine for your trip! Looking forward to seeing what you make out of those new books! It was a shame about no costume space cannot have everything.


I join the chorus of sincere thank yous for taking the time & efforts & sharing so much history with us. What handy work on the clothing, etc. Thanks to you I can see/visit beautiful areas from my home. 😊 Looking forward of how you will create from the books you brought home. 🤗


Thanks for sharing Rebecca ! So So nice to do with your mom!!!!


I love traveling vicariously—thank you for doing these videos of your trip! I’m a sucker for blue and yellow, and 12:57 that dress and it’s trims have me dreaming.❤


I had my ice cream dipped in dark chocolate stolen by a gull in Hastings, East Sussex. The shop no longer exists so I'm very sad about that.
So glad you loved our little country. Do come back again soon xxx


This looked like such a fun trip. The architecture was so beautiful and i loved seeing the tudor gowns! Thank you for sharing it with us!


What a special time with your mom... and lucky me that you're having me along.


Thank you for taking us along! Someone already commented on the Rouen hat; lots of villages in France used to have all different types of extremely eleborate lace bonnets, which were for as far as I know worn with the fashion of the day (or maybe of a few years earlier), unlike Dutch folkwear (I'm Dutch) which got stuck in particular fashions and only changed in making it more over-the-top.


I am so glad that you got to go on this trip. It looks delightful. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for sharing your trip with us!


superbly interesting and exceedingly well narrated.


I loved everything about this! Thanks for sharing <3


Well this video added several places to my wish list of places to visit. You found some truly beautiful spots on this trip.
Would love to get the Pattern of Fashion books someday. And that fashion plate, while simple, is a lovely addition to your collection.


Thank you for sharing your trip! One of these days I hope to get to England for a road trip too. Congratulations for managing to drive safely on the wrong side of the road!


Next time you must visit Northumberland, we have tons of history here, beautiful beaches and lots of hills and not too many people. Alnwick Castle is definitely worth a visit, and is lived in. Glad you loved our country ❤


Really enjoyed this instalment, I live in North Devon, and love the west country. Totally agree with you about Lyme Regis, having lived not far from there for many years, far too touristy, and much worse in high season of course.


Just caught uo with this. Many thanks from regional Australia. Like you, i admired the Wallace Collection( although their cafe prices were astronomical). The UK know has a lot to offer and i have visited five times and always find something to see.


That was lovely. Thank you for taking us along. There were a couple of the stops that are now on my list of places to go. The idea of picking up the patterns of fashion books while there was brilliant! I'm don't even want to know how much shipping would be. I had to laugh when you were talking about mountains. There's an escarpment in Hamilton Ontario that locals call the mountain. Having lived in British Columbia on the west coast of Canada I can assure you that it's not a mountain. I just go with it now
