Rex Raptor vs Tyranno Hassleberry

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Here's a match-up I planned on uploading last week, but decided not to; and since the first duel was so short, I did it twice; but really, the important bit comes at the last 6 seconds. Take a guess at what's coming next time.
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The first duel shouldn't have worked as Living Fossil negates the equipped monster's effect.


So cute how babycerasaurus got the final kill xD Rex got owned


Hassleberry wins easy. Rex Raptor may be the orginal, but Hassleberry showed more respect and understood more of the Dinosaur type, not to mention he was more knowledgeable about Dinosaurs in general due to studying paleontology and growing up with them, heck he even has a Dinosaur bone on his leg. In addition he shows a deeper bond with both his monsters, which are dinosaurs, in fact, it's almost like he's become their living legacy, whereas Rex just seems to wear the term "Dino Duelist", yet his strongest monsters are Dragons and I doubt he holds them in the same respect Hasselberry does, let alone even knows anything about other lesser known Dinosaurs like Saurophaganax, Siats Meekroom, etc, whereass Hassleberry pretty much dedicated his life to studying them and so can name them. Not to mention despite his appearance, Hassleberry is also more intelligent than Rex as well as a better duelist. If Rex met Hassleberry, I bet he'd beyond jealous, not only that he'd lose to him.


What is the name of the program that manufactures these duels?
