Kelton Swade 1957 White AVR-S & Casey James 4

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The Kelton Swade guitar presented in this video features a head stock design owned by Fender
Musical Instruments Corporation (‘Fender®’). Such use was without the consent of Fender®,
and Kelton Swade no longer manufactures, distributes, advertises or sells guitars bearing that
head stock design. Kelton Swade is not now, nor has he ever been, a licensed supplier or seller
of Fender® guitars or other Fender® products or services. Neither Kelton Swade nor his
products or services are sponsored, licensed, endorsed, approved by, affiliated with, or in any
way related to Fender®.”
I have a new headstock that is even sexier than the one that I use to use so that there is no way anyone can be confused that these are my guitars and not someone else's!