In The Hall Of The Mountain King (acapella) VoicePlay Ft. Elizabeth Garozzo

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“In The Hall Of The Mountain King” by Edvard Grieg acapella cover from VoicePlay ft. Elizabeth Garozzo.

Featuring Elizabeth Garozzo - FOLLOW HER!!!

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Featuring - Elizabeth Garozzo
Arrangement and Video - Layne Stein
Lighting effects and Direction - Eli Jacobson and Layne Stein
Audio Mix - Ed Boyer
Additional Arranging - Geoff Castellucci
Makeup and Prosthetics - Rick Underwood and Renette Feren
Camera Operator - Andy Montejo
Production Manager - Kathy Castellucci
Costuming by Pattycake Productions and Penguin Point Productions
Huge thanks to Tony Wakim and Cyndi Stein for all of their help on set!

VoicePlay is:
Eli Jacobson | Tenor
Cesar De La Rosa | Tenor/Baritone
Geoff Castellucci | Bass
Layne Stein | Baritone/Vocal Percussion

Special Thanks to Patron Nana Koranteng, whose name didn't make it into the scrolling credits due to a glitch in the matrix. We appreciate you!

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About VoicePlay:
VoicePlay is an award winning, world renowned acapella quintet and theatre show comprised of singers Geoff Castellucci, Layne Stein, Eliezer Jacobson, and Cesar De La Rosa. Formed in Orlando, Florida, the singers of VoicePlay create amazing harmony and inventive re-imaginings of popular music with nothing but their voices. VoicePlay has appeared on multiple national tours, nationally syndicated TV and radio, and continue to amaze audiences around the globe with their powerful music-without-music acapella sound. On this channel you will find a variety of content like acapella music, acapella covers, medleys, covers, and more! Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications! For instant updates, check out VoicePlay’s social media accounts above.

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Pentatonix may herald in Christmas, but Voice Play ushers in Halloween! Let the holiday season begin!


Considering that this is a song with no lyrics, it's surprisingly entertaining! Trust Layne and Geoff to be the arranging masterminds that they are.


Da da da da da da da, da da da, da da da. Da da da da da da da da da da da da


As a Norwegian I have heard this music a gazillion times before, in a billion different versions.
I thought, not even _these_ guys can squeese this lemon any more.

And how wrong I could be! Another drikking masterpiece from the masters of pieces!


Layne describing the costumes to the rest of the guys:

"Okay, so Geoff, you'll be blue again. Eli, you'll be an evil goblin. Elizabeth is an underworld goddess. Cesar, you're gonna be a friendly demon. And I ... *dramatic pause* ... I will be a GIANT CARROT!"


The costumes were amazing and it looks like they had a ton of fun making this


This is the most creative arrangement of this piece of music I’ve ever heard. Who else thinks to put a trap beat in something like this? Also, subwoofer Geoff is back! So ready for the general public to hear this.


Layne "So guys... I've got an idea... We - as an Acapella group - do an serious all instrumental masterpiece in cosplay with silly sounds..."
Eli: "So, normal Halloween hijinks?"
Geoff: "Only if someone is orange!"


Actually insane how creative and artistic these guys have gotten. Probably my biggest musical inspiration. Love y’all ❤️


You know when there are these special moments in songs?
Well every moment is a special moment with VoicePlay.


VoicePlay at their most wildly creative best. I mean this with complete sincerity - I have never seen or heard anything quite like this. You guys are an inspiration and a joy. And Elizabeth - those pipes!!! Wowza 🤩


All the guys are creepy demons and Geoff is a magical bass fairy.


0:22 My god. I've never heard of Elizabeth before this. I've been smitten by a simple "La da da, la da da" The control at such high tones is absolutely insane


Best all-bard D&D session I've ever seen. XD

Seriously though- you guys wanna know why you're so eye-catching and inspiring? Everything you do- every SINGLE song you've done- tells a STORY. You ALWAYS create a story for every performance, and it's SO much more than just awesome vocals and catchy arrangements. There's emotion, and thought, and personality. Every time. What I wouldn't GIVE to be able to tell stories like that. It amazes me, entertains and makes me think, "hey- maybe I can stop being be too freaked to actually put my own stories out there. Because they make such an awesome, positive change, and I wanna try to add onto that in my own special way."

You guys, altogether, are a living storybook, and I think we'd all hate to ever miss a single turn of the page. We need more storytellers in the world- you guys are magical, and don't you forget it.


This is truly a masterpiece! I didn’t think it was possible to acappella this Norwegian classic, but they did! And what a mind blowing video it is! As a patron I’ve been watching and listening to this over and over again, and I still find new details. And the humor! I don’t remember when I last laughed so much over a music video. - if ever. VoicePlay brings new life to an old classic in a way that blew my mind, and I LOVE IT! ❤🎶🇳🇴🥰🫶


0:00 - *F#1 Chest*
0:03 - *F#1 Chest*
0:08 - Continuous B1's Chest
0:11 - *F#1 Chest*
0:15 - F#2 Chest [Eli]
0:19 - F#2 Chest [Eli]
0:31 - B1 Chest
0:34 - B1 Chest
0:45 - B1 Chest STRONG
0:49 - *F#3 - F#1 Chest to Subharmonics*
1:22 - G1 Chest
1:24 - G1 - *E1 Subharmonics*
1:30 - *F#1 Chest*
1:32 - *E1 Subharmonics*
1:43 - *F#1 Chest*
1:50 - F#1 - E1 -D1 - *C#1 Subharmonics*
2:13 - F#1 Subharmonics
2:46 - F#1 Subharmonics

HOLY COW! What are those F#1's Geoff!?
Eli your raspy/growly F#2 was super cool!
2:14 Layne, you killer that part!
2:26 Cesar's really felxing there XD
Elizabeth has a very powerful and deep (in a good way) voice! Also, 2:35 ohhhh a *D6!!!*


The masks from "Kidnap the Sandy Claws" in the background\trees are such a great throwback! Great job with the song as always :)


i can only imagine how sore everyones tongues were doin that last run of lalala's, liz's speed is inhuman, and she has so much control up on the top its insane.... and that flip to from lala to ah-ah at 2:35 is insane! and the shifts in tempo with laynes track beat, and the swing swich by geoff



That moment when Layne's character gets tipsy, matched by the switch to a major key, was excellent. And then when he gets smacked to sober him up, it went back to minor. Genius.


I literally cannot process what just happened. The ability to create entire characters with their own unique personalities, voices and expressions from a musical piece with no lyrics. And to make it sound good. Voiceplay you continue to astound with your creativity and technical prowess. Please never stop making music for it is through groups like you that music continues to grow and be worth listening to.
