Peter Doherty - Time For Heroes / Out On The Weekend (Neil Young) - CARDINAL SESSIONS

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Peter Doherty has a new record coming out, with his band, the Puta Madres. It's amazing proof that he's still one of the top songwriters around. We took the opportunity to meet again, this time at the wonderful store of Herr von Eden in Cologne, Germany, to record some songs. This is "Time For Heroes", a Libertines classic, and a Neil Young cover: "Out On The Weekend".

#thelibertines #peterdoherty #petedoherty

Don't miss the other songs!


Cardinal Sessions was founded in the summer of 2010. They challenge the classic music video and try to replace impersonal footage with immediate and emotional snapshots.

Bands from all over the world with their different genres present their songs reduced to the essence of the musical spectrum - only vocals and unplugged instruments. Due to the spontaneous live-aspect and the approach to record every song without any additional rehearsal, songs emerge that often sound significantly different to their album versions.

We film on locations that the musicians mostly choose by themselves: remote places, frequented streets, parks, woods, fields, bars; nothing is impossible. We have accomplished our goal if the location fits well to the background of the music we and the artists want to present. But our most important purpose is that there are no borders: we film everything that we like, no matter how popular, famous or also unknown a band might be. It is still important for us to support local talents and it will always stay part of our concept.

The Cardinal Sessions team can also be booked: for example to film short documentaries of album recordings, studio recordings or live concert moments that you want to capture.

Рекомендации по теме

“There are fewer more distressing sights than that of an Englishman in a baseball cap” always loved that line. Stay true to your roots…!


Met him a couple of years ago and you couldn’t have met a nicer, more polite guy, he is a true poet and a gentleman!


The media owe this guy flowers. Forget the drugs, he is one of the most talented musicians britain has produced in decades, and remains a good soul.


More talent in his little finger than anyone in the comment section.


I’m 60 from a punk background worked at the Marquee etc this man ...his music and vibe helping me through a tough time.


We will die in the class we were born but it's a class of our own.

There are lots of lines like this in Pete's songs. A very talented writer.


apart from the greying hair, this beautiful man seems not to age at all. so young at heart, after all those years, still got passion for his art.
Peter, you are exceptional and i'm still inspired (for over more than 10 years now) by your music and words!


Haters always gonna hate, but the very existence of this man is just pure poetry, every cell of my body just get warm watching him. He’s so raw, fundamentally raw, and that’s precisely what makes him so f*cking unique. There’s NO ONE in the world who sounds like him. Who writes like him… so ingenious yet so simple. I wonder how can one combine all of this together in such an appealing figure as well. Thanks for uploading this, I’ve seen it hundreds of times and it does not fail to amaze me and gives me chills. Cheers all the way from São Paulo/Brazil.


Pete’s taught me that personality is better than perfection when singing a song


I love this guy because I truly believe that he could do this infront of 10 thousand people or busking on a corner and he would be happy with either lifestyle. Love you Pete


Its just beautiful.
Its raw

Thank you Peter and Cardinal


The word infatuated may be somewhat strong when it comes to this interesting, what u see is what u get true gentleman. I can admire and respect another man who in the past continued to F' up, admit his PERSONAL DEMONS and then get up - brush himself off to continue his journey in life. Such a brilliant songwriter and should be more known here in the states. Keep it up Peter and thanks for the many songs that I can relate to and helps me through some tough days.✌


There's something utterly beautiful about this man


Haters will be haters and disliked along the way no matter what but I’m glad all of us fans can keep him to ourselves 🌈


What a wild life this dude has had. If he can come out on the other side, anyone can. What a musician.


*re-listens to entire Libertines album*


He is just incredible. Literally the only musician I deeply enjoy listening to with just a guitar and his voice


[Tl;dr Fat Peter but Alive Peter gives me hope in mankind]

Peter a year before going clean. As much as I miss his insanity (he and Coxon are my definite musical heroes), I’m glad he’s doing great now, a brand new dad (baby #2 after Astile) and made it through.

Gotta love him.


This is so amazing, this’ll go down as one of the great live performances


Love how imperfect but heartfelt this is.... beautiful and raw
