OVERWATCH VS PALADINS | Which game is better and why | PGG

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In this video, I'm going to be giving my thoughts on which game is better, Overwatch or Paladins. I know there have been a lot of other videos like this one, but I've actually played both games. I will be giving you an honest video. No sponsors, no special deals. 100% genuine. And Sorry about the editing, I don't know wtf happened to it. But for some reason, good old Animotica decided to make me suicidal and shift everything in a weird way.

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As of april 2021, Ovewatch feels abandoned by it's developers while Paladins is as lively as ever. Currently, Paladins has an upper hand


Is it just me or when I loose a game in overwatch I immediately feel regret, whilst when I loose a game in paldins I enjoy the time I had


You can't Switch them but you can Counter them with Talents, Loadouts and items if your Team needs an extra healer the Tanks can Just Buy an Item wich increases their healling.


You mentioned that in Paladins, you don't know the enemy team before you finish choosing your classes. This is only true in quickplay, not in competitive mode. In competitive, your team and your enemy team both see each other's choices. There's a ban phase, wherein both teams get an opportunity to ban characters for both teams. Then each team picks characters one at a time, going back and forth between each team with 100% transparency. Also, characters picked by one team cannot be played by the other team. There's also no forced role que in Paladins, either. So if you want to have a team with all healers, you are free to do so (though Cauterize exists, so I'd suggest against it in competitive).


Actually, Paladins came first before Overwatch. Overwatch had the manpower & development to release first compared to Paladins being part of Hi-Rez, a much smaller company. That's where the misunderstanding of "clone copy" comes from


Great content. I think both games are not that comparable. I play both and each one feel so different from each other.


My biggest problem with paladins is the maps are just so limited. In overwatch you've got so many maps to play on but on paladins you only have a small handful. It gets really old really quick


Here’s what I think.

- Firstly, the part about the maps feeling real, while a valid point in immersion, takes away from the fairness of each match. The issue with overwatch maps is that they are heavily asymmetrical, which has an effect on how fa it takes to get to the enemy team or capture the point. This is not an issue in paladins as although they do have differences on each side, they are in essence, fair.

- My second point is about the characters, while yes a lot of the earlier characters seem like they ripped off overwatch, a lot of them were already in development before overwatch was released and saying that paladins is a rip off game is comparable to the terraria/Minecraft debate, both may be similar games in retrospect, but in both situations, the games were both in development and released at very similar times.

- My final point is about the gameplay. I believe that Paladins should not have a champion switching system as it would take away from the fun, one of the great things about paladins is that you don’t know what the enemy team is picking so you need to have loadouts for your counters, for example, Evie (a flank) is countered by snipers so a good Evie will build a deck to counter her counter, and because you can have multiple decks, you can choose a good one to fit the situation and work with what you have rather than picking a counter to the problem you’re having which, in my opinion, takes away from the fun of the game.

- Also loot boxes suck… blizzard why must we pay for skins in a paid game when the free game allows you to not spend a dollar and still be able to get every skin?

Anyway, my opinion is that that paladins is the better game and although it is very buggy sometimes, you must remember that hi-Rez and EvilMojo aren’t as large as blizzard and don’t have as much money and staff, so forgive them for the bugs and just enjoy the game.

Both are good tho so don’t hunt me down overwatch players ;)


Paladins keep reworking on old maps and there is a new map coming this months, The rework on jaguar falls was a piece of Art .


the thing with paladins is that there arent pre assigned roles for a match that there must be certain amount of tanks or dps or healers like overwatch does and it opens up more space with the already huge space of loadouts, items and talents. u can pick all 5 healers or dps or tanks and it would be bizzare and fun too, something u cant do in overwatch which makes gameplay very repetitive.


Those little details that make the OW map feel real only make it unnecessarily heavy and demanding more, on the other hand, the Paladins maps are simple but it is supposed to be so that more people can enjoy the game without demanding too powerful hardware, the important thing in the end is that the game is really fun, not that it is ostentatious


Paladins has more characters and updates. We got echo like like 2 years ago now. It gets boring. Paladins also has more unique abilities which is why I like smite also. However overwatch feels less clunky and more well made. However I like them both but overwatch is my favourite


There is some misinformation in this video. If you look at when each game first released a playable version of their game, it was within a year, time wise. It's not really possible to be a copy of something so close together. The reason why I think these rumors spread is because Overwatch was so much more popular, and made by a well known studio. However, they both did copy each other on certain things, and honestly, I don't see this as a problem at all. Being in the same genre and being experimental with champion/hero abilities is going to produce overlap, and it also helps you to play both games and learn how to play champions/heroes much quicker.

I think a lot of what you said was pretty spot on, but some things were weird. Maps are definitely important, and having them look good and feel realistic is great, but the most important part about a map is how fun they are to play on and how well they flow. Both games have good and bad maps. OW could get the point if that's your opinion.

When you discussed champion/hero selection, I feel like you missed something about Paladins that you actually mentioned previously. You talked about the composition of the teams, and said that you would be at a disadvantage if you went up against double damage as a double tank comp. As a side note, the double tank comp is actually favored most of the time, but assuming your analysis is spot on, the talents, loadouts, and items can shift a team that is at a disadvantage into an even or favorable position. As an example, let's say your going up against double tank as a double flank team. Flanks tend to be better at dealing with squishy champs. (I.E. not tanks) But, let's say you picked Zhin. You might usually play Yomi because you like extra damage, but since you notice two tanks, you pick guillotine and remove one tank from the game every time your ult is up. Let's say you're actually on the double tank team and you see that the enemy Zhin picked Guilllotine, and you're playing a support like Seris. What can you do? Pick Mortal Reach. Even though Zhin's guillotine talent is pretty overbearing at the moment, mortal reach gives you a better heal from longer range, so if you react, you can counter his ult and keep your tank alive. The Zhin can counter this by buying cauterize (which he should do anyways) and hitting the tank once before ulting. Then more counterplay can come in from the tank buying rejuvenate. Etc, etc, etc.

Another way Paladins compensates for lack of being able to switch is the draft. Ranked is the more serious mode of Paladins and before the match begins, you have 2 bans per team (gonna be 3 soon) and a pick and counter pick style. You can see what your opponents are picking, and communicate with your team in real time to have a good composition against them.

Sorry for the long comment, and I didn't intend for any of this to be hate. I'm just a passionate Paladins nerd that likes to type Youtube comment essays. Believe it or not, I have more I wanted to say, but didn't want to stop you from even attempting to read all of it, so I'm gonna call it here. I'm willing to talk about/debate everything I said if you want to.


As someone who started playing OW when it came out (so like 4-5 years now) in my opinion, Paladins is on top right now in terms of gameplay. Mainly in the playable character department, since we got Echo in OW, Paladins has given us like 4 or 5 champions and I'm sure more on the way where as we are pain stakingly waiting for OW2 for any form of new content not counting skins since they don't add that much to the game as you said in the video. Also as a side point most people payed 30-40$ for OW (me included) where as Paladins (when it was in beta) was 20$ for the founders pack which gave me all the champions in the game at the time plus any that would come out for the rest of time, just thought I should add that in there.


"Overwatch is the only game that I've played that has a sun"
Minecraft: ....square... s q u a r e S u n


Adding champion switching on paladins would be a terrible idea no offence, but it would ruin the concept of the customizational options in the games. You choose talents loadouts and items that will best fit the situation you are in, that will help you against the team comp you're facing. If you're allowed to switch champions during a game then your loadout could become useless and you won't be able to swap it unless you swap your champion. Champ switching will never be a good idea for paladins.


I like paladins more it’s still getting lots off hero’s and there is so much availability like the cards the different things u can buy in the shop and different talents it just doesn’t get boring but overwatch is good but it’s the same hero’s and the same meta it gets boring and it takes forever for them just to add one character but let’s forget that because IT HAD BETTER GRAPHICS btw that was a joke I like paladins more but I think overwatch players don’t wanna try this game because they think it’s a rip off even though paladins was in open beta before overwatch and they also stay because of past memories and graphics but yes I think paladins is better


Both games are great in their own way for me personally. However I do wish overwatch got something new as it has been totally neglected by blizzard at this point


2:20 it looks like overwatch invented wings XD


"it's not biased" and then "it doesn't have a sun" hahah
