Warframe 1999

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Finally got to experience Warframe 1999.
It's such a wild departure from traditional Warframe.
Loved the hell out of it.

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#Warframe #Sponsored #PirateSoftware

- Edited by Sunder
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It should tell you a lot about Warframe that when 1999 launched, the Motorcycle you can summon in the new area was bugged. Instead of being area-locked, you could summon it anywhere in the game. DE saw this, and decided to just let it stay. Because they thought it was more fun to be able to ride a motorcycle around whenever you wanted.


In case this is anyones first time seeing warframe..
It is 100% free with no pay to win transactions, You can sell items to other players for premium currency, I got a pricy cosmetic I wanted from one night worth of loot.
It is Multiplayer, with some of the best movement and shooting in the genre.
It has a massive cinematic story that you naturally uncover as you progress


this is the Metal Gear Rising of Warframe


@thor u proly know this but just to be sure: thats not the ending of quest, when u bond more with characters, u unlock the real FINALE quest.


I am glad to see how far Warframe has come. It was a wild experience playing it back in the day.


this is what all game intros should be like.
i already am invested in the caracters and story isane that its warframe . great job on the game this is a really good way to make a service game live for a while!!! <3 keep up your vids PIRATE!!!


The irony is... you can actually fix Eleanor.


I didn't know warframe had goblins in it. Definitely didn't expect the Goblin King to be here.

Also 1999 was such a breath of fresh air. I love the new city environment, especially with the changing seasons.

For those who haven't tried it, warframe really is one of, if not the best free to play game out there, as long as you have patience and don't mind a bit of grinding.


4:27 what pc bros swear bad cable management leads to


I was actively quite confused as well just watching this, umm cool


the background music is perfect for this video. I would honestly play the whole game with just all of the OST running in the background


My favorite part about 1999 that I haven't heard mentioned yet is the fact that Albrecht wanted to use the explosion to stop The Murmur, and in game The Murmur is weak to Radiation damage


Becca should've been in charge ago


I love that Eleanor being the infected queen kinda calls out to the fact that the Nyx warframe is based on Nemesis from Dark Sector, one of digital extremes' earlier games and one that warframe draws so much inspiration (and in some cases straight up copies) from that is basically, but not really, a sequel.


Hi, MR34 player, been playing since closed beta here: Thor is wrong about some things at the end with Saryn.

1) That is not endgame. Enemies are around level 65, which is still no where near to endgame. He's playing in Elite Sanctuary Onslaught (ESO) by the looks of things, which is still at regular star chart levels, but does level up quickly. Steel Path adds 100 levels and then doubles enemy health and armour.
2) Saryn's abilities don't work like that. Your initial target is infected with spores. Popping those spores or killing that enemy spreads the spores to nearby targets, however after that point when a target dies, if they died from the spore damage then the spores stop spreading. They did work like that during the rework but it was so broken that you could solo some very high level stuff, without effort so it got nerfed.

EDIT: If you pop the spores on secondary targets it will spread further but Thor is actually being passive which is considered leeching despite doing damage because everyone else is spreading his spores for him. You also can't do that if you're in a party with another Saryn as the spores kind interact weird.


This was a decent video to try to get people to try out the expansion and Warframe in general. I appreciate the lack of spoilers. I do like watching playthroughs, but I sense your goal was to get people to try the game and this had just enough lack of info that I hope someone wants to learn more. I hope to see more Tenno, even if they're here to figure out what that tongue do.


So awesome to see you playing warframe!


I didn't even realize he played warframe, hear about pirate software a lot and this is the first warframe related content ive seen from him. Then i learn he has over 8, 000 hours lol.


"this is endgame warframe"
aww its cute that you think that.


“This is end game warframe” not even close😂
