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Learn about Lorem Ipsum.

00:00 Intro
00:34 Where Does It Come From?
01:42 What Does It Say?
02:43 Industry Standard
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Colonel...I'm trying to sneak around...but I'm dummy text. And the lorem of my ipsum is alerting the guards!


This channel just showed up out of nowhere and started explaining various interesting topics in concise, informative, professional shorts, and the about section just reads:
"Same thing Wikipedia does. but on YouTube.
As exciting as the reference section of your local disused library."
Even with that attitude they've kept at it consistently since January 1st and are now up to 245 videos.
I do know where. I don't know why or how. But I most certainly know that I'm interested.
I'm not really one to say this often, but you earned my sub.


Topic suggestion time!


It finally came back online today, years after having been shut down, after being valued at 400 million usd. Really big rollercoaster to cover.


I've always wondered what this was all about.


After writing many template papers I’ve already wondered what it meant


i remember trying to decode lorem ipsum on club penguin when i was little


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sit amet lacus justo. Mauris interdum hendrerit turpis, vel bibendum massa ultrices ut. Proin ut justo congue, sollicitudin felis in, scelerisque lacus. Nunc ornare euismod sapien in blandit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eu mi eu neque mollis euismod. In volutpat nisi commodo, convallis libero feugiat, rhoncus orci. Integer venenatis accumsan vehicula. Nulla ultricies dolor justo, nec lacinia turpis sagittis et. Aliquam consequat laoreet eros sit amet efficitur. Donec mauris nunc, ornare eu quam ac, hendrerit blandit urna. In diam nulla, condimentum eu luctus viverra, pharetra nec massa. Donec dignissim turpis vitae libero ultricies lacinia. Nulla vel eleifend enim. Quisque interdum ex id dolor faucibus auctor. Nullam eu auctor sem.

Etiam augue augue, tempor id ipsum eget, convallis dignissim ante. Quisque aliquam varius congue. Aenean mauris metus, eleifend id diam eu, commodo pulvinar diam. Morbi facilisis cursus neque, at eleifend tellus cursus a. Praesent tempus, lorem at efficitur porttitor, lorem nunc cursus neque, rhoncus sagittis quam odio ut ex. Vestibulum aliquam sem quis leo blandit euismod. Donec mollis turpis posuere nunc efficitur, id vestibulum diam ornare. Cras iaculis neque et suscipit convallis. Cras sed tincidunt tellus, at porta augue. Nunc venenatis tortor ac odio vehicula mattis.

Duis dapibus vehicula nulla ut hendrerit. Aliquam consequat odio ipsum. Fusce interdum, nulla et porta dignissim, sem lacus condimentum odio, ut lobortis tortor erat vel nisl. Ut ut gravida purus. Nulla ac pharetra nibh. Integer pulvinar ligula turpis, varius convallis orci blandit sed. Sed eu interdum tellus. Nulla enim ante, faucibus a interdum eu, tempus eget tellus. Sed efficitur bibendum imperdiet. Suspendisse enim nisi, mattis non consectetur et, facilisis id dui. Phasellus dictum scelerisque ultrices. In efficitur, ipsum ut hendrerit accumsan, neque purus maximus ante, sed rutrum ipsum ligula accumsan sem.

Nullam ac tortor mi. Suspendisse potenti. Sed libero ligula, dapibus a tellus eget, congue lacinia neque. Nulla facilisi. Morbi tempus quis nisi vitae tincidunt. Proin non dolor neque. Duis porttitor dictum ipsum eget tempus. Nunc malesuada tincidunt molestie. Ut lectus sapien, gravida eget pellentesque vitae, vulputate eu tortor. Ut id eros sagittis, malesuada magna ut, interdum dolor. Nullam ut facilisis dolor, nec porttitor lacus. Phasellus interdum pretium ligula eget tempor. Vestibulum luctus libero nec felis euismod lacinia.

Duis quis urna quis dolor egestas bibendum. Integer ex urna, tristique quis purus et, tincidunt semper neque. Aliquam ex neque, malesuada id augue non, cursus volutpat leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla accumsan velit in iaculis iaculis. Ut placerat a sapien ac feugiat. Sed velit massa, molestie ut lobortis sed, laoreet id tellus. Fusce porttitor dignissim tellus, id ultrices nulla egestas ac. Pellentesque eu semper elit. Pellentesque finibus est ut felis tincidunt, sed ornare nunc blandit. Ut laoreet placerat consequat. Suspendisse tristique euismod mauris vitae scelerisque. Mauris non eleifend metus. Duis eu dui malesuada, lobortis mauris id, dapibus arcu. Phasellus vulputate eros a dolor finibus gravida vitae id purus. In ut euismod libero.


literally was gonna search about this later this day, lol what the....


My dummy text is usually just "TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST"


finally, the translation we all needed


Do one on the hope diamond also know as the “1 billion year curse” or “the diamond” and its history from India to Louis xiv to Louis xvi to Marie Antoinette to Georges danton to Karl wilhelm to napoleon Bonaparte to George IV of England stolen then by the hope family then sold in New York then to abdulhamid of the Ottoman Empire then to Pierre Cartier of france to the McLeans of Washington DC and then the Smithsonian museum, yeah all of them had a not so good death


I had a Lorem Ipsum bug in COD Warzone yesterday. 20 updates a month but still they make such ridicolous mistakes.


Gray Raven's Commandant be like: "..I like it. Lemme put them on my Gloves."


And here I assumed it made perfect sense


idk why this is recommended to me but its a really interesting channel


Anybody else ever get an eerie feeling from “Lorem ipsum” text? Idk, it’s just always creeped me out. Maybe it’s because it’s in Latin, but it seems so dark.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


I've looked this up before, but I still don't really "get" it. I know the idea behind it in principle, but it's such an obtuse thing. "Yeah, OBVIOUSLY when we're making a webpage, we fill it up with gibberish Latin written by a Roman senator 2000 years ago and then scrambled by a typesetter from the 1500s. Duh! I mean, come on! What you have us do? It's clearly the simplest way! There's just NO other way to not accidentally post an incomplete text. It's literally impossible if we don't use this incredibly specific string of words!"


The last 3 nights ive woken up in a cold sweat with this phrase repeating in my head...is my 5g vaccine being hacked?


Perfect I'll add this to my collection of unnecessary knowledge.
