Substance Designer Summer 2018: Shape Extrude | Adobe Substance 3D

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In this video we showcase how to use the new Shape Extrude node.

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Substance Designer Summer 2018: Shape Extrude | Adobe Substance 3D
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OMG there's a pen tool!? Wow okay that's super awesome and helpful and I wanted that feature and didn't realise it was there! Brilliant!


You guys are magicians! Btw, it would be cool to have a "3D model node", where you could put a 3d file to create a depth mask of it, to create, let's say, a pile of skulls, or trash, or something else.


Finaly something really usefull, for mechanical part detail.


Would be great if you did something like Maya where anything new in a new version is highlighted, at least in toggle form. Its very useful for knowing whats new. Or maybe a way to filter through new nodes.


Hey it would be really cool if the SVG got a bit of a improvement. It would be better if it worked the same as in PS or Illustrator. You should be able to option/alt click on an anchor point to make it a straight point instead of a bezier. Clicking on another tool inside SVG should end your path, instead of HAVING to close the path. Just some more adobe like control would be really really awesome and super user friendly, as most people diving into substance are probably familiar with at least Photoshop, if not Illustrator. ALSO I feel as if the SVG should accept .AI files.


Just tested out the node. Really powerful! powerful that it takes forever for it to render :P. Not a huge issue, but I do have a 1060 with 32 g's of memory. Not sure why it is taking so long for the node to render after each alteration?


hello :) is there any method of obtaining a position map or an object space normal from this node - in the same fashion the Cube 3D GBuffers work? Thank you :)


Want to like that more than one time :D


how i cant go into this editor. i have substance painter 2018
