Karl Rove on 2016 campaigns, lessons from McKinley

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Political strategist Karl Rove led both of President George W. Bush's White House bids. He is looking deeper into history to a possible guide for today's presidential candidates. Rove joins “CBS This Morning” to discuss the 2016 race and his new book, "The Triumph of William McKinley: Why the Election of 1896 Still Matters."
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I didn't know that about William McKinley. Even more than before, it's important for the party to practice inclusiveness, not exclusion.


This is very interesting topic and may make much of the senses for us to think about it. Especially for the McKinley example. Because we are in a very anusual time that people accumulated much of angers, madness and emotions combined together become ununited together which made peoples and party very unstable and neglected the Party's own principals of the unity and loyalty altogether becomes extremelism of disfavor each other, or even see own party's patriotic leadership as the enemies. I understand that why peoples are mad, angry and emotional by many different facts, however, there is nothing to do with own Party members or leaderships. However, it doesn't matter how mad and how emotional we are, we should always remember that our enemies are ISIS instead of our own Party members or own Party's leaderships, or our own kind of Americans. When we see this happened, what can we do, but to wait for people to calm down and wake up and change it. Because when we are overly emotional, often the head spings hot and easily to make the wrong decisions. The wrong decisions will appear the wrong results to bring our country into very confused situtions. Because as a great country of America, if can't go up, will absolutely slide down. People must be calm down and can't because our own emotions and hard to calm down, so we have to or must go vote someone who doesn't have any bit governing leadership experiences at all and suddenly becomes the country's top leader of the President of the United States without any learning curves. Especially the foriegn policies and strategies are extremely important and charllinging tasks as well as the unity of our country. Because I believe that if one has problems to unite own party, certainly will be much harder to reunite Americans together. This is why I believe Gov.Bush will be more than qualified to be our next President for many America's own goodness of the security issues, safety, prosperity and unity as well as our country's own foundations and constitutions. Especially as now of the very critical time of the strong terrorism activities period as well as our own unity have been cracked. We need to make it better by correct ways of the leadership experiences which created massive jobs for Floridians to enjoy without worrying and even left over 9 billions dollars of the surplus for his successor's raining days. This is why the emotions will blind us that the most qualified proven successful governing leadership experiences one who is more than qualified to be our next President can be very unfairly to be ignored or hated. who will loss the most? our country America and American peoples. This is why I pray for our country's unity and our own party's unity for the better leadership experiences to create the better leadership results.
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Political strategist? LOL. Self proclaimed Political strategist. Looks more like Elmer Fudd than a strategist.


well we know where Norahs sympathies lie. Everything she says has a hint of negativity to it
