Demystifying Tonewoods | What's the Difference Between Guitar Woods?

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In relation to guitar tones, we hear terms like "scooped mids," "bell-like chime," "warmth" or "brightness," or "midrange monster" all the time; but outside of these trendy terms, there is a vast universe of tonal nuance to understand in the realm of tonewoods. When we discuss tonewoods, we're talking about both the top and back/sides of the guitar, and the different combinations of soft and hard woods that are paired on fine instruments. Spruce, cedar, rosewood, mahogany, maple, and koa are some options just at the surface of this conversation-- today, Chris McKee dives in deep to give you a better understanding of these woods, and even debunks some common misconceptions you might've heard online. Tell us your favorite wood combination in the comments below!
Top Wood Demos: 9:58
Back/Sides Demos: 30:03


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As a person who, in my mid 50s, is just starting to look for my first guitar, you and Cooper have provided so much great advice and knowledge. Quality videos like these are rare because they take time and effort. Super job! You provide an amazing service to us newbies!


I've watched so many of your vids lately that I woke up at 3am with all of your riffs in a battle royale in my brain.

Thank you?


That was EXCELLENT! Thank you for the detailed information and sound samples. You rock, Chris, as always.


I’ve never seen a more informative video on tonewoods. Thank you for your knowledge, and this wonderful production!


Thanks professor Chris for the master class in woods!!!


I've recently got into playing acoustic guitar and started off with a 50 dollar guitar since I have zero experience with any instrument for that matter and your videos really help me understand the guitar world. I really love your vids bro!


Excellent presentation on tonewoods. I particularly like is the demonstration, playing, of the different options. Thanks Chris.


Chris has been knocking it out of the park with these educational videos 👍


This proves what I believe you and a lot of UTube guitar shows With an acoustic guitar especially, you’ve got to sit down in a quiet, with no one around, so no matter how your level of experience is. You can try out a bunch of guitars, with these different types of wood combinations and find the one you absolutely love and will be inspired pick up and play every day for the rest of your Or until you find the next Chris, Thanks for another great


Great explanations! Not only is one's ear & aging involved, but so is voice if you sing with/for others. Sometimes you need more than one guitar because your voice sounds different. I'm not a sales person but I do sing and use different guitars for different songs & tunings.


Great video, Chris! I think videos like these about body shape and tonewoods allow someone to better understand what (and why) guitars sound like when they play them, but nothing quite beats playing a bunch of guitars to find out what you like. Really glad you mentioned bracing/builder as well which doesn't seem to get as much discussion on its influence on tone. In searching for a new guitar a few years ago I played a ton of guitars and found that while I loved the rich bass of rosewood, my ear didn't like the high treble. Turns out I much prefer the warm mid-range sound of mahogany, either with spruce or mahogany top :-)


Chris, great job on this video. In my 14 guitars I have many of the top/back combinations you mentioned and I see the same differences. I have spruce (Sitka, lutz, European), cedar, koa, and mahogany tops and a variety of tonewoods besides the big three. Depending on my mood, and whether I want to finger pick or use a pick, I gravitate towards one guitar or another. Your explanations hang together very well. I am a long time reader of Wood and Steel and have absorbed much of the information put there. You did a great job distilling it down to its essence.


Another terrific video from Chris & Alamo Music. I have Rosewood and Maple guitars but I’m really loving that Mahogany sound. Looks like I’ll be shopping again!


Well Chris. this is an excellent reference video, well explained and detailed. Thank you.


That was the most straightforward explanation one can find on youtube. Super useful and highly appreciated. Thank you so much. I have make my mind on which will be my next acoustic (Taylor) guitar.


This is excellent information. I Like the equalizer smiley face frown explanation. Great job!


Awesome presentation, Chris. You are an excellent speaker and I love your detailed explanations -- and your wonderful guitar playing!! I own a Martin HD-28, a Taylor 914ce, and a new 324ce BE. I've been playing each one today with delight, appreciating and enjoying the tonal differences of each. Fun. Thanks!


This was the best explanation of tonewoods that I’ve ever come across. It’s really helped me understand what I’m hearing. Thank you so much for sharing


Another point to consider is that acoustic guitars sound really different when you play them yourself to when you hear someone else playing them. That's why they are so fascinating. Great video, bravo Chris.


Outstanding! Thank you. Late 50's guy here been playing a bit over a month now on a Fender C60 and looking for my forever guitar. This is a great video for us plebes. Thanks again.
