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125 - Photons

In this video Paul Andersen explains how light travels in photons which can be described as both particles and waves. Einstein showed that photons can be described as particles using the photoelectric effect to show that the energy of a photon is related to the frequency and Planck's constant. The quantized nature of light can be found in both spectral lines and the photoelectric effect.

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Title: String Theory
Artist: Herman Jolly

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Looking over my notes, I came up with this new picture of a photon particle wave. Bit difficult to describe in words, but it is based on photons that can create positron electron pairs.

Photons are a series of particles like stepping stones. At each stop the photon shoots out a positron crest in one direction, and an electron trough in the other.

This LOOKS like a single complete wavelength.

But it really is a photon turning into an electron positron pair, each springing out of the photon in the opposite direction of the other.

So each wavelength is, photon in the node of the wave position, with a negative electron trough on one side and a positive positron crest on the other.

Further the node between two wavelengths may be where an electron trough meets a positron crest = annihilation.

This process would all be as quick as a quantum jump.


Didn't even edit out the speaking error, respect


I think it is important to differentiate between light vs energy. Light is our mental construct of the pulses of the nerves of the retina which are affected by photons. In other words light is our perception of photons via our eye as a sense organ.
Color is also part of this construct. Colors don't exist as a quality of the photon produced, it is our brains construct of the eye sense organ. If we studied photons as we do other energy particles which we don't have sense organs interacting or detecting them, we would have a better understanding of the existence around us.


Thanks mate, always appreciate your uploads, when ever I get a chance to watch. So much good info out there


At 1:38, Infrared and Ultraviolet are switched. Don't want that to confuse people.


So, when a electron moves it causes a variation of the electric field, thus creating a magnetic field. The interation of these two fields generates the photon.
And if this phenomenon generates a photon, them a photon can generate a electric field and a magnetic field in an object because of the physics symmetry. :)


Thank you! You make a difficult topic pleasant to listen to, explained well, and increases the likelihood of understanding! ✌


Light doesn't "travel" as photons. Photons are the amounts of energy that external systems exchange with an electromagnetic field. This does not mean that the field is made of photons.


1:05 “He also showed that photons are quantised, that means that they travelled in little discrete units”. Is this actually true?

Do they travel as quantised units? Or are they only detected by quantised interactions with matter? These two things are not the same.

We only have information about electromagnetic waves by virtue of measurement, i.e. their interaction with particulate matter. Beyond Maxwell’s and Heaviside’s mathematical models, we have no information about how electromagnetic waves propagate. Indeed, when we do not examine them during the double-slit experiment, their paths reveal that they behave as waves right until they interact with particulate matter at the screen. But if they interact with matter by an observer measuring which slit they pass through, all of a sudden their paths reveal that they behave as particles. Surely we can only say for sure that their particulate properties come about through interaction with particulate matter?

2:20 Similarly, emission and absorption lines say nothing about how electromagnetic waves propagate, only that they are emitted and absorbed by particulate matter at discrete wavelengths. Again, why does this show a quantised characteristic of propagation and not a quantised characteristic of wave-particle interaction?


sir, UV and IR rays should be reversed


Do you have UV and IR reversed in the EMR spectrum?


discrete does not mean packet vs wave it means units of energy divisible by the plank constant with no partial charge.


Heinrich Hertz was first to observe the photoelectric effect in 1887.
J.J. Thomson proved it was the result of light pushing on electrons in 1897.
Max Planck proposed that electromagnetic energy could be emitted only in quantized form (E= hv) in 1900.
Albert Einstein gets the credit for other peoples work in 1921.


How did you managed to screw up the order of the EM spectrum? ..
Infrared is weaker and UV is stronger, not the opposite. I was questioning my sanity....


please don't stop making videos. D: thanks


In the spectrum diagram between video time 1:40 t0 2:06, the two words Infrared and Ultraviolet should be swapped. Thank you.


2.05--- But the electric field is perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Yes, like water hyacinth are pushed away perpendicular to the direction of the moving boat. This slows the boat. Similarly, light slows in accordance with the optical density of the medium.
2.05 ---- the magnetic permeability contributes concentric deflection to the path of the light force particle along the sine transverse wave, which now twists levo or dextro rotary. Ray dial motion.


Still have not fixed your incorrect diagram at 1:50 of x-ray to IR, should be x-ray, UV.


Readers who like Physics. Can you understand this post on the concept of Dimp, the dimensionlesspoint, I am struggling to explain it clearly. This from the next Musea.

1. DIMP stands for dimensionless point - DIM-ensionless P-oint . This is a single point outside the universe, that contains all light! This is a challenging concept and difficult to even imagine. How can anything, let alone all that, be in a point without dimensions? But it's based on what we know now. When you understand my single concept of DIMP, the rest of these physics ideas fall into place. So I will try to explain it in a couple of ways. Read, this section carefully!

Dimp or the dimensionless point is a single point that contains all PHOTONS.
(For visual purposes, think of photons as little pieces of light.) That means Dimp contains all ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY in a single dimensionless point. That means all light is in a single point, a point that doesn't have four dimensions, or three, or two, or even one! Pauli's Exclusion Principle is a clue. It says all photons ( a type of boson), can be in one point while their counterpart, fermions, cannot. Remember a PHOTON DOES NOT OCCUPY SPACE! There is no limit to how many can occupy the same quantum state. Photons, all of them, can be in a single point!

By definition we know that photons are outside of time and distance. Infinite time dilation (no time) goes hand in hand with infinite length contraction (no distance to the destination). Because a photon is outside time, it is eternal. Because a photon is outside distance, there is no distance between any two photons. They are all together in an eternal point. They share a dimensionless point! That means all light is in one point.

If there is no distance than photons are everywhere at once - or everywhere at once and back! That means that the photons in the singularity that started the big bang and our entire universe, are here now today, and will be here forever in the future.

Here's an official quote from Physics org: From the perspective of a photon, there is no such thing as time... It doesn't experience distance either.

My idea that all light energy is gathered in Dimp, a single dimensionless point, eternal and outside of space-time, is not easy to comprehend. Let's try this visual analogy. Look at photons, not as individual particles or waves of light, but as a quantum ENERGY FIELD that is everywhere at once, a BLANKET OF LIGHT that surrounds everything in the universe and is in every part of space time at the same time. Still with me?

Because Dimp is eternal and outside time; that means Dimp is these things:
1. Here before the Big Bang, during the Big Bang, and here long after this universe will have ended. A vast reservoir of all energy. And our universe, where there is space and time, is a small subset of Dimp, just as an ember is a small subset of a massive bonfire.

Dimp was the singularity, the dimensionless point, that the Big Bang exploded out of. That means Dimp is separate from, not only time and distance, but gravity, mass, space, you name it! There is no acceleration in DIMP therefore no gravity!. There is no expansion in DIMP and no charge. Further the virtually endless amount of energy in Dimp never changes. That is some weird point!

Dimp, the dimensionless point concept seems to explain all the following separate concepts; COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT, ZERO POINT ENERGY, VIRTUAL PARTICLES, ENTANGLEMENT OR 'SPOOKY ACTION AT A DISTANCE', AND VACUUM ENERGY.

Dimp also means the electromagnetic force and force of gravity (see later) are not connected. They are separate and can't be unified.

The simplest way to explain Dimp is to start by saying, there are TWO UNIVERSES.
THE FIRST UNIVERSE is DIMP, the dimensionless point, or the universe of photons, light, and energy, where everything that is, goes the "speed of light".
THE SECOND UNIVERSE is SPACE - TIME where everything goes slower than the speed of light. This is the universe of everything that is - BUT photons.
Nothing in Dimp goes slower than the speed of light. Nothing in the universe goes the speed of light. Does that help clarify? BUT WAIT, it gets more strange...

The problem is that to have a "speed of light" one has to have both time and distance. But a photon from it's point of view is outside of both time and distance. From our space-time point of view it looks like photons are going a set distance in a set time, but that is our illusion, not their fact. So "speed of light" is a misnomer. More about this puzzle later.
Physics often uncovers a dark zone of unexplained phenomenon. Dimp may help explain those dark zones including:
1. The singularity where the big bang began.
2. Dimp, the dimensionless point of all photons, all light.
3. The dark area in an atom during a quantum jump where the electron instantly jumps over, when it jumps from shell to shell. " Everything in the quantum mechanical universe ... happens in quantum leaps. A quantum leap is a discontinuous transit between quantum states - an electron jumps instantly into another energy level... There is no in between state and it doesn't take anytime for the leap to occur." Moring.
4. The empty zone in an atom where the electron orbital is not.
5. The Two Slit Experiment black bands where no particles/waves land.
6. The nodes of waves where the particle probability is zero.
7. When two mirror image waves collide, constructive interference occurs which annihilates both waves, and turns them into pure energy. Dimp is that pure energy.
8. Virtual Particles where particle A and Particle B pop up out of the void, then come together and there is total annihilation.
9. Quantum tunneling? The space between when Particle A disappears on one side and materializes on the other side.
10. Entangled particles where A and B are strangely and instantly connected no matter the distance between them.
11. Force carriers.
12. the infinities that renormalization tries to fix. With Dimp they are correct as is.
13. Wheeler's Great Smoky Dragon analogy, where A is the head of the dragon, B is the tail of the dragon and the area between is smoke.
14. The 120 orders of magnitude of the vacuum energy density or cosmological constant.
15. Non locality may also be explained by Dimp which is outside of time and space.

Where is Dimp? Everywhere that there is vacuum energy or space, or everywhere!That's because any surface not at absolute zero emits photons, and absolute zero can't be reached. It"s both outside and inside space time! But wait - more weirdness:

PHOTONS DON'T GO ANYWHERE. Remember the speed of light problem? Photons do not move out of dimp! If they did they would have time and distance, which they do not! Photons pop out of Dimp. They are created out of Dimp and return to Dimp. Text books say, the only interactions a photon has, are to be created or destroyed. We see a photon being created or destroyed, but nothing in between! Through pair conversion they send MESSENGERS: Electron / Positron pairs as the energy to do the work . That suggests that electrons and positrons are vehicles for photon energy! That means when a photon pops up in our universe, it does so only as an electron / positron pair!

We know that as an object approaches the speed of light it: becomes heavier and approaches infinite mass, (Infinite mass is also infinite energy, E=MC2). It contracts in length, and time slows. Could that object keep going faster, it would reach the speed of light and be outside of time and be eternal. SO if mass could go the speed of light (and it can only approach it) it would be infinite energy with no length in a single dimensionless point, outside of time! Sound familiar? That is DIMP!

Totally confused? Take a break and try this visual exercise: The light from all stars shine out in every direction with eternal photons that are everywhere all at once.
Look, a web of photons connect all space and all time, now and forever - a net of light!


What I don't understand is why there is a battery connected to the PhET simulator. If the UV source is knocking electrons loose, then current should be flowing. This means it would make more sense to connect an ammeter.
