Fallout 76: Scoreboard Nerfed Again! When Will it End?

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The newest season in Fallout 76 has been nerfed! This adds to the nerf from the previous season and more people should take notice of what's happening. Things continue to get worse for the seasons in 76 and there's no signs that things will improve any time soon.

Season 16 was nerfed, season 17 was nerfed, but will season 18 be nerfed? Only time will tell.
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Well this is what u get when u hire a EA employee to maximize the profit


Not only nerfed it but there's not even that many things I want on this one


.. and we keep taking it. This dude Jesse Mclean has been fucking us consistently ever since he became Senior Monetization Designer (yeah, that is a real position LMAO)


Bro… they been nerfing us since launch.


After reaching lvl 13 I'm done I got ammo pile that I wanted and 400 atmos anything else is just waste of time.


Lets do the math here.Already super greedy game company is bought out by super greedy computer company and everyone expects the games to suddenly not be controlled by the super greedy people.Yea, the fact everyone seems surprised everytime these ppl bone us is unbelievable.Noone stands together to check these folks and make them stop, so what does everyone expect….


It makes me not even wanna play the game again


There's so little on this season and last season that I'm interested, that I don't much care. & Days To Die is on in less than a week so it'll be goodbye Fallout apart from a brief stint at the dailies each day. I want more end game content and bring back the old scoreboards.


Yeah. I'm just doing this scoreboard at a leisurely pace. I just want the atoms and the prefab. I'm not getting drawn into the grind again.

Also, anyone else noticing that railway rifles seem to be breaking even faster than usual?

I swear my quad is now going from a full double health bar to broken in about three reloads.


the only thing I like about the new board is you can pick an choose which items you want to buy instead of just getting one for every rank you get to even though most of the stuff they give I would not want


I honestly dont even care about the scoreboard at this point. I just wanna play the gane without it crashing 10 times every hour


It really sucks. They don’t even seem to listen to the players who are asking for a change to make the scoreboard better


I liked the scoreboards a lot more than the seasons. The current season doesn't have anything that is worth grinding for.


This is the perfect time for us all to send them messages saying we aren't good with the new waste of time board. They even skimmed on the prizes, the only think I want is the camper for FO 1st from it


Bear in mind, I've been playing since beta, and I'm a long-time fan of yours.

Having said that, this is a bad take on the change from Scoreboards to Seasons, for one potential reason: under Scoreboards, I had to work through all the junk I didn't want to get cool things I did want, whereas under Seasons, I can save my tickets and buy only what I want.

Functionally, it works identically. But practically it is different. I'm not struggling to get level 79 and some ugly weapon skin, useless camp item, or a pile of aide items I don't want; now I'm aiming for level 81, where I can pick and choose the rewards I want and abandon the rest.

Scoreboard isn't nerfed; it's dead. And good on it dying. Give me choice in my rewards, let me get what I want and abandon everything else.

You're mad about fewer rewards? I'm happy the rewards are streamlined, and I can skip things I don't want and don't matter to me to focus on things I do.

Again, longtime fan of your content, but this reads like you don't get what's happening right now, and you're missing the benefits. I'm sorry to see that, but what do you think?


my gripe is that the stuff you get is nothing that really screams i gota have it


I honestly wouldnt care if Bethesda cut down even more. I only played the current and last 2 seasons and the boards were to 95% filled with stuff I dont care about. I really like the current ticket approach and yes I know I need to collect at least 95 things to unlock the last page but around 25 of the 95 are things everyone would collect 100% like atoms, caps, gold etc. so I basically need to pick the 70ish least bad and cheapest things. I think the need for being 150 is nonsense though. The bonus page is the best change by a mile because being able to collect 10 modules (or other) every 3 levels instead of every now and then is amazing. Im currently level 100 with 690 tickets left so once Im 150 ill be able to get a ton


Honestly, I see it as another way to get $...with the rather large influx of new players, they'll most likely be the ones buying atoms, buying scoreboard levels etc...while they try to catch up..just my opinion


I agree with decoy 100% This "season" is just pathetically lazy. The hockey masks are just re-skins of the Bog Wanderer mask and there's two of them taking up two spots and the inner tube chairs are the same just diffrent skins taking up another two spots. It's just laziness and they'll keep doing it because people will keep making excuses and paying for fallout 1st.
Here's a video breaking down how things were done previously vs now and how it adds up.


no they better not take away MR.FUZZY just say no to nerfing in general if theya re just going to nerf it constantly people are going to leave the game come on Bethesda this is so not gnarly, add stuff i know i could not claim things twice i would have plenty but alas not even, it is hurtful when they do that like please Bethesda stop nerfing improve it not de evolve it next thing you know they just have nothing at all just your character standing there looking huh whaaa like BRUH, do not let it get to that stop being a bloody wanker please, Bethesda i know your trying to make it more balanced but this is tipping it to the wrong side but this is just heart breaking especially for players like me just trying to do the dailies and get items needed just to enjoy the game and do cool things at my base and help out friends and fellow players alike i love this game please do not ruin it.
