SpongeBob SquarePants ~ The 'Ripped Pants' (LirikTerjemahan)

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Song : The 'Ripped Pants'
Artist : SpongeBob SquarePants
I thought I had everybody on my side
But I went and blew it all sky high
And now, she won't even spare a passing glance
All just because I, ripped my pants
When Big Larry came round just to put him down
Spongebob turned into a clown
And no girl ever wants to dance
With a fool who went and ripped his pants
I know, I shouldn't mope around, I shouldn't curse
But the pain feels so much worse
'Cause windin' up with no one is a lot less fun
Than a burn from the sun or sand in your buns
Now, I learned a lesson, I won't soon forget
So listen and you won't regret
Be true to yourself, don't miss your chance
And you won't end up like the fool who ripped his pants
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