The Nature of Consciousness, Rupert Spira

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All that is or could ever be known is experience, and all experience is known in the form of mind. Therefore, to know the nature or ultimate reality of anything that is known, it is first necessary to know the nature of mind. Whether the mind perceives a world outside of itself, as is believed under the prevailing materialist paradigm, or projects the world within itself, as is understood in the ‘consciousness only’ approach that is shared by nearly all the great religious and spiritual traditions, everything that is experienced is experienced through the medium of mind. Thus, the first imperative of any mind that wishes to know the nature of reality must be to investigate the reality of itself. Everything the mind knows or experiences is a reflection of its own nature, just as everything will appear orange to one wearing a pair of orange-tinted glasses. Having become accustomed to the orange glasses, orange will become the new norm and, as a result, the wearer will imagine that the orange colour he sees is an inherent property of consensus reality and not simply the limitations of the medium through which he perceives. In the same way, the mind’s knowledge of anything is only as good as its knowledge of itself. Until the mind knows its own essential nature, it cannot be sure that anything it knows or experiences is absolutely true rather than simply a reflection of its own limitations. Thus, the ultimate question that mind can ask is, ‘What is the nature of mind?’ or ‘Who am I?’ and the ultimate knowledge it can attain is the answer to that question.

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Boils down to Know ThySelf. Literally. All flows from that awareness. Rupert is one of the clearest souls teaching this. Pray we listen and can hear, understand.
Love his final Rumi quote, “ I searched for myself and found only God.
I searched for God and
found only Myself.” To discover, to know this is Truth. Thank you blessed Self/God Rupert. 🙏


It would be good for the vast majority of the christian clerics to listen to this profound talk so that they may finally begin to understand the core meaning of their own christian message.


A luminary and mystic of profound importance transmitting the ultimate truth and the nature of its knowing. If the Christ or Buddha were to speak today they would sound very much like this man. Thank you Rupert.


Rupert is the clearest and most direct of the western non-duality teachers.


Long-time follower of Rupert's retreats and books. He is speaking at the highest level of the Advaitan teaching here.


I have tears of JOY on my eyes, Thank you UNIVERSE, FOR allowing the TRUE TO SHINE, to be REVELEAD, TO ME TO SO MANY OTHERS. For allowing me to know who I AM. I AM YOU and YOU ARE ME. I just don't have words to describe how LIBERATING THIS IS, THE PEACE THE JOY, IS UNMEASURABLE!!


Rupert is literally Shiva.

Of course we are all incarnations of the One, but there are those that stand out as near perfect reflections of the qualities implicit in Universal Consciousness (Buddha, Jesus, etc.).
Rupert is one such being. Thank you <3


Rupert has been a steady voice in the background of my life for a few years. The voice is coming slowly, slowly to the foreground; but it never dominates, or commands. Sometimes what he says is so clear to me. Other times it is not. But there is something about his presence that keeps me listening.


Peace and simplicity. Love how Rupert embodies this.


To research the ultimate nature of reality without first knowing the nature of our own mind is the madness from which our culture is suffering.


Even when the teaching is familiar it still blows my mind 💜💛❤️💚


If it were only one video to see about non duality, it would be this one ! ❤


When my husband started listening to Rupert last year, I thought it was too mental, I only wanted to follow Mooji. Only this year in a subtle shift in awareness, I now come to understand what he's saying and made me realise my own experiences when I was a little girl and my growing years.


This one 49.30 min talk by rupert, is enough to get enlightenment. You are the best rupert. You are like scientist. Explain all in crystal clear way no words of gratitude my Master


I ponder on your words, not feeling lost, but being found. Thank you!


Not only is the message precious but the way you deliver it is deeply heartfelt. ❤ Thank you.


Brilliant, enlightened, humble man. I love this talk.


Dreams appear real while you are in it is with this world.


I feel grateful to have witnessed such a profound talk. May we all seemingly separate selves awaken to the One Infinite, Indivisible Reality. 😌


Love the tone of hard truth in your voice. Chilling!
