Explanation in the comments #foryou #edit #school

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Explanation: I was ta P.E after my friend comes to me and says “bro they are going to make a school shoting” I think he was joking but in the welcome area ther was a lot of parents piking up there kids I got scared so I call my mom to pick me up they closed the bathrooms then they pick me up it, it didn’t happen but they also say that they are going to make it on Monday.


Depression almost killed me..
I'm okay tho I got over it :)


(Don't forget I'm muslim)
My explanation: one day when I was asleep, at 12:00 A.M. midnight I can't move anywhere and I was stuck in the bed trying to move and I did the sleep paralysis once. So this is what my sleep paralysis inside me:so time when I was waiting for my mom at the bathroom for her to finish and she finished and after that I was sitting on a chair and my mom was gonna get the clothes and goes to the store and I was so confused why my mom wanna go to the store to dry her clothes I was scared and I was going to my mom, after that my mom disappeared from the store and I was so scared I go to home and I feel someone is touching me at my shoulder after 1-83 verse that I was reading surah yasin and after I finished reading the surah my dad was downstairs waiting for me and when my dad says "let's go to sleep at the second floor, and while we was almost at the second floor I fell down out of NOWHERE TO BE FOUND and while I was falling I was like then I feel tired and asleep, after that I have reached the ground and while I was wandering around I found my dad and say "DAD! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" And nothing responded by my dad while I was there I see a tunnel and I was curious what's inside when I was inside not far away I looked back and nothing it was only a tunnel that leads me circle around and I was crying until that I heard a bang noise on my own house I woke up then I finally get out of the sleep paralysis.

That's all, see you tomorrow!

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... Yesterday I almost got killed at school but not about a shooting I tried to sit at to my chair but the chair was if he wants it behind what it usually is and I didn't know that so I try to sit but I fell down and my head hit the corner of the chair was made out of wood I cracked my head and I was bleeding🩸🩸🩸 so much that I needed a doctor immediately the only hospital that could take me for in a 30-minute drive I was crying😭my mom was holding paper up my head so I could not bleed my dad drives as fast as he could to not break the speed limit and also carefully I went to the doctor and they said if I was 10 minutes more late I couldn't make it there I saw my life through my eyes the doctor's patched me up and now I'm okay but it was a time that almost killed ☠️💀me also please🙏 drop a like👍 this took me 40 minutes to write. thank you😅


I almost killed by cancer but I win to cancer. thanks to god cuz he give me chance❤


I remember when in the internet or facebook (or smth) someone specifically made a post about OUR school, they were infront of it and holding an actual large gun, and he said he was gonna do a school shooting and he even told us what day in the post, i didn't know NOTHING about it, i was in 4th grade, it was in the morning and everything seemed just fine, some people looked really scared and i was kind of confused and even the teacher was scared, she got so many calls of parents picking up their kids, she locked the door and windows and kept making calls, literally SO many kids got picked up it was crazy just leaving few kids in my school, after a while the teacher got another phone call and she said i was going home, i was super shocked because my mom literally NEVER ever picks me up, i went and saw my mom and she looked glad and told me she knew because her friend told her and picked up her kid too, my sister was getting picked up too and she told me completely
the shooter didnt show up but who knows if theyre planning it again. ( I think they went to jail)
What if my mom didnt pick me up?.


What almost killed me was when i was 4-6, so the story started with that i was out with my dad, and we were gonna go down to the nearby lake on a bicycle trip, but when i was on a hill going down, i was curious where my dad was so i looked behind me and then i slipped off my bicycle, and i started started crying and bleeding in my face, 😢 my dad was scared but my dad just looked at me and said everything was okay so i didn't panic. But then i was very tired and just passed away, and then i woke up, but i saw something weird i saw a black car pulling up, but it. Wasn't a kidnapper it was a nice guy, he just wanted to send me and my dad to the hospital i really wished i could see his face, but i never did...😢
Come on guys at least one like😢


My explanation: So when I was like 4 or 3 I know how to walk befor like 2 or 1 I know y’all don’t believe me but so getting how I almost died was when my brother watching tv watching dragons ball z and my mom working in her office and my dad helping her with the bills and stuff like that I was on the stairs playing with my toy my favorite and as soon I fell it felt like it was over I fell 6 seconds and my arm was bleeding my mom was a doctor then and my leg was bleeding out to I was crying out loud my babby brother could hear that and my brother felt terrible he got a me a blanket and I collapsed for like I don’t remember probably like 4 or 7 hours later it was 2 am or 4 then I woke up they All was still there for me untill I woke up but where it happens was in my house I was lucky not going to the hospital but at this day I’m stronger at this day with my family bless y’all 😢❤
GOAL 20k likes pls no hate😢


I almost got killed from my siblings, my father, dogs, my teacher, burning house, water, four-wheel, cats, my bird, trees, fishing, basket ball, a bottle, glass, pillow, playground, and a fridge. I avoided death many times all the way to age been through so much pain.... I'll tell all the stories if this gets 100 likes

edit 1: GAW DANG MORE THEN 200 LIKES IN 18 HOURS?!?! ill tell the story now!

edit 2 STORY:one day I wanted to play with my sister she said no I got upset and ended up bugging her she said come in I said ok she said sit on the bed I'm like ok?? she grabbed a pillow suffocating me I cried I felt I was getting weak my brother tried to help but failed...my mom came back home just in time she yelled at my sister I cried so much when she let me go I bit her arm and she hit my head and threw me on the ground I sat on the couch and cried my little heart out as my brother comforts me...

I got off the bus walked home my brother was in my bed I wanted to lay down but he didn't move I told him "can you get off my bed please?" no response then he grabbed my neck put me on the bed and started punching my face very hard my lip was bleeding my eye was bleeding and my nose was bleeding I tried fighting back so I pulled His hair he pulled mine I tried to bite him but he kept punching I was screaming and crying for my life...I ran outside where my dad and my sister was I told him he got pissed off and I started to cry because I thought I was gonna die I was shaking..

I was at a hotel with my dad he had his ex over and I was bored so I wanted his phone he said no I got mad and ended up stepping on his bag he yelled at me threw his slipper right at my elbow I couldn't move it it was bleeding I cried when I put ice on it it was

when I was 6 yrs old my grandpa had a dog Ike the dog would scratch me bite me push me on the ground and made me bleed thanks to that dog I'm traumatized from dogs

my teacher told me to stay inside at recess cause she wanted to talk to me I was fine with it she grabbed my neck suffocating me I pushed away and stared at her and said "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?.."I rushed out of the classroom going to the principal and told them she got fired after that...

my sister was making noodles she left the stove on and there was a piece of paper Towel on the stove it got caught on fire and everything was burning I was sleeping nobody told me I woke up to the fire alarm going off smelling smoke I looked around and there was smoke everywhere I was extremely hot to! I saw the fire I got burnt a little but I still managed to get out.

when I was about 7 years old I was in a pool with my mom sister and brother I wanted to show her that I can go in the deep end I thought she was looking so I jumped she turned around then I knew my life flashed before my eyes I was panicking trying to swim swallowing water my sister saw me helped me up I cried coughing up water...

my dad got a four-wheeler and he wanted me to try so I went on I was driving it accidentally driving it down a hill it was tumbling over I fell off rolling down the hill four-wheel fell on me I broke my arm and leg I was bleeding so much then I passed out...

I was chilling with my cats one of them was hungry so I let it go the other one I was chilling with scratched me bit me and was doing that to my eyes and face I tried to pull her off but she kept going eventually I got her off and she had to be put down...

my bird was in a cage I wanted him to fly because he was stretching his wings he perched on my finger and climbed on my shoulder and started dancing climbed on my head picking through my hair and I grabbed him (not tight) and started biting my finger so hard he made made bleed he did the same to my eye lid I started to say "MOM GET BRUSH OFF ME HES ATTACKING ME!!!"I cried and he died 1 hour later...

I was climbing a tree to the top with my sister we hanged there for a bit and I wanted to get down I was climbing down and a branch snapped when I was stepping on it the grip on my hands wasn't good and I fell all the way to the bottom falling on my way down broke my legs and cried my sister came down and called my mom to call 911..

I was fishing on a boat with my family I caught a cat fish but my sisters hook went in my skin my fishing rod with the cat fish was gone but the hook was in my neck went to the hospital to get it out I was put asleep when they took it out..

in the gym at school we were practicing chest passes with the basketball when I was gonna throw it but I knew something was wrong..I looked at both of my fingers and I dislocated my pinky I didn't feel it but when my classmate went to throw it back it hit me in the face started bleeding and got knocked out...

my dad was drinking and he was drinking out of a bottle I didn't wanna deal with him when he's drunk so I went to my room he asked me to come downstairs I said ok he started to touch my inappropriately I pushed him away and said "can you not do that again I was uncomfortable" he said "but why your my wife?" I guess he mistaken me as his wife and threw a bottle at my face it shattered and my face was full of glass I screamed..

I was playing on a playground with my siblings and my sister was climbing on top I wanted to also I did the same and went on the top I slipped and my sister grabbed me but lost grip and I fell 12 ft I stayed there for a little while and realized I dislocated my knee...

(LAST STORY!!) I was painting with my sister and he needed more paint and brushes I went to go get them I asked where they were and she said "they are under the bed" I looked and grabbed the paint brushes I was running and slipped on water in the kitchen even tho she said there was no water and my foot slide under the fridge and popped a vain in my foot i was screaming and crying and I got up and slipped again but this time I went into a coma...



I almost died in a car accident i hit my head and now im deaf in one ear


What almost killed me was when my mom was cooking something and the pan flipped on my back, it burned my back and I got rushed to the hospital, and that happened when I was very young, like really


Story 1: I was celebrating my birthday, my brother named David was jealous because of how smart i was in school and i would never let him cheat off me during exams, i was 11 at the time so I was celebrating my 11th birthday and my other brother named Maximus was sitting there i blew out my candles then David slammed my head into the cake AND THE WICK BARELY MISSED MY EYE but got stuck at the back of my eyelid and i was knocked unconscious then David picked me up by my hair to see if i was ok and there was blood on the cake so maximus called 9-1-1, 2 hours later the ambulance arrived at our house and loaded me on the stretcher luckily when i went it i had a professional plastic surgeon and i survived...



I survived depression

Don't try suicide guys, that shit kills you 😔😔

Edit: some of y'all seriously cannot take a joke, and sorry for the loss of some people. Wish you the best 😔❤

Edit 2: Started a war in the comments guys 😍😜💅💋✨


So I was at school with my best friend (P.E) and when our teacher says we're gonna play musical chairs,
So my teacher asked my best friend
To bring 10 chairs because 10 kids at a time so when my bestie was holding the chair the ledge almost hit my head lucky my book fell from my hand then I dogged the the chair,
Then we started playing so one of my classmates has a pencil which is very sharp while my classmate is holding the pencil I bumped into my classmate and the pencil hit my face
Then the teacher saw, And called my parents.Later that day I was looking for my book in my locker then my bully came and pushed me inside the locker and shut it.luckily I've always got my locker key, then opened it and escaped, I told the the principal what happened, then our principal called my bully's father then the father came which is mr.thee, so the father comed with his son(our bully)
So the principal told his father that everything he did to me.Then my principal called my mom.
When we got home my mom told me that I should go into a new school instead of suffering from my bully.

But don't worry my wound is healing❤


Depression almost killed me


Edit: 2K LIKES!?

note: please on the comments just please don't do su1c!de talk to a parent or somebody.


you know, depression almost killed me...

dont try to do it is painful, i think.


No need to explain,
I already see what has happened.
I feel bad for you that sucks 😢
Edit: danggg I was not expecting to get famous by a simple comment-


When i was a baby i fell in a 3rd floor and i broke my leg but god saved me Amen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Im sorry i just miss typed i now tell you the entire Story so i was like 6 or 5 years old and i was 1st grade i came back from school i was running to my family but then a car almost hit me but in the last sec a guy saved me

Have a good day❤❤

Edit: bro im literally coming back in like 3 days and 283 likes omg dude


⚠️ WARNING TRUE STORY: one time when I was at school reading book on YouTube a announcement came on the speaker and said: water pipes broke might be fixed by Friday I thought it wouldn’t be thelling the truth and for the rest 4 my life but on Friday another announcement came on and said : the water pipes are now fixed that’s what almost killed me (idk y)
